[R-sig-ME] Levels in random effect

Carlos Barboza c@r|o@@mb@rboz@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Nov 24 09:38:38 CET 2020

Dear Dr. Bolker,
I'm running a mixed model with 193 records including three continuous
variables and an interaction. My random intercept has 75 levels.
However, many of them with 2-3 replicates. Using lme and lmer
everything runs ok with no problems of convergence, warnings etc. As I
suspected I have a big contribution of random effects to the total
variance. My doubt is if can I trust in model having levels of random
effects with reduced number of replicates?
thank you very much in advance

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Instituto de Biodiversidade e Sustentabilidade - NUPEM
Caixa Postal 119331, CEP 27910-970
Macaé, RJ, Brazil

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