[R-sig-ME] Trying to modify variance structure
Marina Pastor
m@r|n@p@@tor @end|ng |rom |cm@c@|c@e@
Tue Nov 17 11:19:42 CET 2020
We are studying the jellyfish distribution and we would like to know
if it depends of temperature and salinity. As our database are counts
and we have a high amount of 0, but also other high numbers around
400, we used a Negative Binomial Generalised Lineal Model. As the
filtered volume was not the same for all the counts, we incorporated
this through an offset.
Checking the residual distribution we realised we were violating the
homogeneity assumption since the larger the temperature, the larger
the variation.
We first tried to apply different variance structures through
varFixed, varPower and varExp functions (nlme package) depending on
the temperature, but we did not manage.
The reproducible example is below.
- For varFixed(~Temp) we followed the R help example. Why we obtained
this error?: Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, VarFixedT, value =
numeric(0)) : replacement has 0 rows, data has 10
- For varPower(1, form =~Temp) and varExp(1, form =~ Temp), how to
choose the best “value” before “form” in the formula (“1” in the
We would be very grateful if you could help us, we don’t know how to
improve our model and is one of the requirements to publish our
article. Many thanks for your time in advance.
Best wishes,
Marina Pastor
Reproducible example:
my.df <- data.frame (Jelly = c(1.13, 10.98, 0.00, 0.97, 0.62, 1.04,
0.00, 77.83, 4.12, 0.18), Temp = c(24.63, 24.61, 24.63, 25.64, 25.63,
26.22, 26.17, 25.34, 25.44, 25.09), Sal = c(37.16, 36.79, 38.06,
38.20, 38.15, 38.26, 38.25, 38.10, 38.07, 37.96), Vol = c(971.0,
965.5, 835.0, 823.0, 640.0, 1147.0, 1322.0, 912.0, 1018.0, 1095.0))
my.df$VarFixedT <- varFixed(~Temp)
GLMNB_W <- glm.nb(Jelly ~ Temp + Sal +
data= my.df,
weights = VarFixedT)
my.df$VarPowerT <- varPower(1, form =~Temp)
GLMNB_W <- glm.nb(Jelly ~ Temp + Sal +
data= my.df,
weights = VarPowerT)
my.df$VarExpT <- varExp(1, form =~ Temp)
GLMNB_W <- glm.nb(Jelly ~ Temp + Sal +
data= my.df,
weights = VarExpT)
Marina Pastor
PhD Student
Marine biology and oceanography department
Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC)
Spanish National Research Council
Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49, E-08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Phone: +34 932309500 (ext. 1113)
E-mail: marinapastor using icm.csic.es
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