[R-sig-ME] Convergence in lme4: Something in the documentation
Simon Harmel
@|m@h@rme| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Nov 14 22:02:09 CET 2020
Dear All,
This page (http://search.r-project.org/R/library/lme4/html/convergence.html)
does a fantastic job of explaining how to possibly overcome/explore the
lack of convergence in lme4 models.
However, I have a question about item "#4 restart the fit from the original
For my `lmer()` model, the `getME(fiitted_model,"theta")` returns:
pars = c(0.55714322, 0.04364260, -0.00577823, 0.35910270, -0.03138007,
Following the documentation, when I then do:
(pars_x <- runif(length(pars), pars/1.01, pars*1.01)), I get:
[1] 0.55558159 0.04369471 NaN 0.36202453 NaN 0.02732069
Warning message:
In runif(length(pars), pars/1.01, pars * 1.01) : NAs produced
These NaN will mess up the next steps. Is there a solution to this?
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