[R-sig-ME] ICC from lmer with back transform

fabien leboeuf |@b|en@|eboeu| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 30 11:08:30 CET 2020

what a nice idea to have a forum dedidated to lmer question :-). i came
acros it from cross-validated.

Here is my question:

I want to calculate the ICC from a mixed model coded with lmer as follow.

model <- lmer(formula = log(VARIABLE) ~ 1
+(1|Side)+(1|Asessor)+(1|ID), data = data,REML=FALSE)

am i wrong if i compute the iCC from back transform , like that

vc <- as.data.frame((VarCorr(model)))
ICC_log = sum(exp(vc$vcov[1]),exp(vc$vcov[3]))/(sum(exp(vc$vcov)))

I appreciate any replies.



Fabien Leboeuf
Ingénieur "analyste du mouvement" du Pole 10, CHU Nantes, France
Chercheur associé de l'Université de Salford, Manchester, Royaume uni
Laboratoire d'analyse du mouvement
85 rue saint Jacques
44093 Nantes, FRANCE

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