[R-sig-ME] Convergence in glmmTMB but not glmer
Daniel Wright
d@n|e|@wr|ght @end|ng |rom uconn@edu
Tue Oct 20 18:56:37 CEST 2020
I'm having convergence issues when using glmer in lme4, but not glmmTMB.
I'm running a series of generalized linear mixed effect models with poisson
distribution for ecological count data. I've included a random effect of
site (n = 26) in each model. All non-factor covariates are standardized.
The coefficient estimates of models run in glmer and glmmTMB are very
similar, but models run in glmer are having convergence issues. Any advice
would be appreciated, as I'm not sure if I can rely on my results from
Attached are example of outputs from glmmTMB vs glmer:
Daniel Wright, Graduate Research Assistant
Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Center
Depart. Natural Resources and the Environment
University of Connecticut
Phone: 413-348-7388
Email: daniel.wright using uconn.edu
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