[R-sig-ME] Including binary and Gaussian responses in one multivariate mixed model
Pierre de Villemereuil
p|erre@dev|||emereu|| @end|ng |rom ephe@p@|@eu
Thu Jun 18 09:45:12 CEST 2020
First thing: I don't think your prior is right. You need to place the "categorical" trait in second (you might want to use "threshold" family instead by the way, unless you insist on having a logit link function) and then fix its residual variance by using "fix = 2". Also, even if you do this, I believe your current prior will impose a strong prior into covariances near 0. You can play a bit with the priors using the following script:
As for the other questions
1. Yes.
2. "2" should relate to a level in your factor when you call "factor(Direction)", MCMCglmm is simply following R formula rules here I believe. You can name your levels using the "levels" argument of the factor() function.
3. I believe the source of these errors is the fact that the residual variance needs to be fixed for the binary trait as I mentioned above.
4. Yes. I don't know of any package performing this out-of-the-box but I never looked. Computing the "fixed-effects variance" as in Nakagawa & Schielzeth can be performed like this:
compute_varpred <- function(beta, design_matrix) {
var(as.vector(design_matrix %*% beta))
vf <- apply(test.mmm$Sol, 1, compute_varpred, design_matrix = test.mmm$X)
5. I believe the latent variables are stored directly in test.mmm$Liab if "pl = TRUE" was set.
Hope this helps,
Le mercredi 17 juin 2020, 19:12:08 CEST Yi-Hsiu Chen a écrit :
> Dear list members,
> I am trying to fit a multivariate mixed model that includes a binary and a Gaussian response variables with MCMCglmm and met some problems I couldn’t figure out. As I couldn't find much discussion on these topics, I was wondering if I could have some help from the list.
> This question is also posted on Cross Validated (sorry for cross-posting), so please visit this link for a more readable version: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/472662/including-both-binary-and-gaussian-responses-in-one-multivariate-mixed-model-in <https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/472662/including-both-binary-and-gaussian-responses-in-one-multivariate-mixed-model-in> .
> Here is my question:
> I would like to fit a multivariate mixed model to a dataset that contains: a binary Direction variable showing the direction the individuals moved toward, a continuous PropRangeChange_s variable showing the scaled proportion of the occupied range increased to old occupied range (OldRange), a continuous Dist variable showing the distance between new range centre and a key location, a categorical Type stating type of the individuals; categorical variables SiteID and Lat_band showing where the observations were recorded, in which SiteID is nested within Lat_band (more than one SiteID in one Lat_band level). The example data can be downloaded at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16sjYpBSBnu3XCNcJDPpXcJQuo4UDj8cc?usp=sharing
> What I am interested in is: how Direction and PropRangeChange_s change in response to OldRange, Dist, and Type ? I am also interested in whether the probability of moving toward certain direction is related to PropRangeChange_s.
> I therefore tried fitting a multivariate mixed model with MCMCglmm with below code (also included in the shared folder):
> library(MCMCglmm)
> library(coda)
> # Read in data required
> test.data<-read.csv(file="D:/Data/ExampleData.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
> # iteration setting
> niterations <- 50000
> nburnin <- 10000
> nthin <- 50
> # set priors
> prior.op1 <- list(R = list(R1 = list(V = diag(2), nu = 0.002)),
> G = list(G1 = list(V = diag(2), nu = 0.01, alpha.mu = rep(0, 2), alpha.V = diag(2) * 1000),
> G2 = list(V = diag(2), nu = 0.01, alpha.mu = rep(0, 2), alpha.V = diag(2) * 1000)))
> # Model test 1 - include Type as fixed effect
> set.seed(1)
> test.mmm.c1 <- MCMCglmm(cbind(factor(Direction), PropRangeChange_s) ~ 0 + trait + trait:(scale(OldRange)*scale(Dist)*Type),
> random = ~us(trait):Lat_band + us(trait):Lat_band:SiteID , rcov = ~us(trait):units,
> data = test.data, family = c("categorical", "gaussian"), prior = prior.op1, nitt = niterations, burnin = nburnin, thin = nthin, verbose = T, pr = T,pl=T)
> set.seed(2)
> test.mmm.c2 <- MCMCglmm(cbind(factor(Direction), PropRangeChange_s) ~ 0 + trait + trait:(scale(OldRange)*scale(Dist)*Type),
> random = ~us(trait):Lat_band + us(trait):Lat_band:SiteID , rcov = ~us(trait):units,
> data = test.data, family = c("categorical", "gaussian"), prior = prior.op1, nitt = niterations, burnin = nburnin, thin = nthin, verbose = T, pr = T,pl=T)
> #extract fixed effects
> test.mmm.FIX <- mcmc.list(test.mmm.c1$Sol,test.mmm.c2$Sol)
> #extract random effects
> test.mmm.VCV <- mcmc.list(test.mmm.c1$VCV,test.mmm.c2$VCV)
> # Check convergence
> max(gelman.diag(test.mmm.FIX[, 1:48])$psrf) #[Return] 1.027717
> max(gelman.diag(test.mmm.VCV)$psrf) # Error shown
> # Check estimate for fixed effects
> summary(test.mmm.FIX[, 1:48]) # Very large estimate
> # Check the corelations between two responses
> test.mmm.Lat_band<-mMULTIVCV[, 1:4]
> test.mmm.SiteID<-mMULTIVCV[, 5:8]
> test.mmm.units<-mMULTIVCV[, 9:12]
> summary(test.mmm.Lat_band) # Very large estimate
> summary(test.mmm.units)
> test.mmm.Lat_band.summary<-summary(mcmc.list(posterior.cor(test.mmm.c1$VCV[, 1:4]), posterior.cor(test.mmm.c2$VCV[, 1:4])))
> # Q: weird quantiles that ranges from -1 to 1, which is the entire parameter range for correlation
> test.mmm.units.summary<-summary(mcmc.list(posterior.cor(test.mmm.c1$VCV[, 9:12]), posterior.cor(test.mmm.c2$VCV[, 9:12])))
> The script run smoothly with no warnings showing up. However, when I checked the estimates, I found all the estimates for Direction-related coefficients are very large (such as, more than 10^4), which doesn't look correct. I therefore was wondering if I can have some help on following questions:
> • Is it statistically acceptable to include both binary and continuous variables as response variables?
> • When I check the fixed effects, for Direction-related coefficients, it only states "traitDirection.2" in the output, how could I know which Direction level it is for?
> • As the chains looks converging well for the fixed effects (Gelman–Rubin diagnostic = 1.027), what might be the causes for the error message “ Error in chol.default(W) : the leading minor of order 3 is not positive definite “ shown when checking the convergence for random effects and the seemly unlikely overly large coefficient estimates?
> • Is it possible to obtain marginal R^2 and conditional R^2 with MCMCglmm?
> • Can I extract the latent variable, the probability of moving upward, with function: predict(test.mmm.c1, marginal = NULL, posterior = "mean", type = "response")
> Sorry for the long post. This is my first multivariate mixed model as well as my first MCMCglmm model, hope I didn’t make a fundamental mistake. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Best wishes
> Yi-Hsiu
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