[R-sig-ME] Poor mixing and autocorrelation of ZIP data in MCMCglmm
Ben Bolker
bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jun 9 15:17:57 CEST 2020
Silly question: did you center all of your continuous predictors?
On 6/9/20 6:49 AM, Vital Heim wrote:
> Good morning,
> Currently, I am working on a Zero-Inflated Poisson Generalized Linear Mixed
> Model using the MCMCglmm package in R. I am looking at the food uptake of
> animal at a tourism provisioning site. I try to understand what variables
> impact the amount of food/bait the animals consume.
> The response variable (bait uptake) is zero-inflated. I have 6 fixed
> effects (nr. tourists, nr. operators at the site, nr. conspecifics,
> temperature, presence time of the animal at the site, and gender of the
> animal). Presence time of the animal and temperature are only entered
> at.level(trait, 1), all the other fixed effects are entered into the ZI
> part and the count part of the model. I have two random effects for ID of
> the animal and the provisioning event.
> Here is the model specification:
> modelZI.9 <- MCMCglmm(bait ~ trait - 1
> + trait:conspecifics + trait:tourists +
> trait:operators + at.level(trait,1):presence +
> at.level(trait,1):temperature
> + trait:gender
> , random = ~idh(trait):id + idh(trait):event
> , rcov =~ idh(trait):units
> , data=df, family="zipoisson", prior=prior6
> , nitt=NITT*MULT, burnin=BURN*MULT, thin = THIN*MULT,
> verbose=FALSE)
> I started with the chain parameters: nitt = 120000, burn = 20000, thin =
> 100 to get an effective sample size of 1000. My first prior was:
> prior.base<-list(R=list(V=diag(c(1,1)), nu=0.002, fix=2)
> ,G=list(G1=list(V=diag(c(1,1)), nu=0.002, fix=2)
> ,G2=list(V=diag(c(1,1)), nu=0.002, fix=2)))
> The chosen parameters and prior resulted in a very poor mixing of the ZI
> effects as well as the both random effects. The effective sample sizes for
> the ZI effects were very low (less than 100). I adjusted the chain
> parameters (see below) I also adjusted the prior to account for
> overdispersion in the fixed effects and making the prior stronger for the
> random intercepts. There was autocorrelation in my ZI fixed effects so I
> increased the thinning while increasing nitt and burn accordingly to get an
> effective size of 1100. These measures improved the model in some parts.
> However, I tried to validate my prior choice and parameters settings by
> reading the literature to see if I am not doing anything “illegal” with my
> model. By now the parameters and prior gives me slightly better mixing. I
> was able to get the random effect ID mixing nicely but only when I set the
> nu = 100.002, which seems very high to me.
> These are my current chain parameters and my prior:
> NITT <- 185000
> BURN <- 15000
> THIN <- 150
> MULT <- 10
> prior6<-list(R=list(V=diag(c(1e-6,1)), nu=10.002, fix=2)
> ,G=list(G1=list(V=diag(c(1,1)), nu=100.002, fix=2)
> ,G2=list(V=diag(c(1,1)), nu=0.002, fix=2)))
> The autocorrelation diagnostics are:
> 0.075907049 NaN
> > autocorr.diag(modelZI.9$Sol)
> bait zi_bait bait:conspecifics
> zi_bait:conspecifics bait:tourists zi_bait:tourists bait:operators
> Lag 0 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000000 1.00000000
> 1.00000000 1.000000000 1.000000000
> Lag 1500 -0.03158767 0.45992662 -0.0216380764 0.52372246
> -0.02650593 0.546651545 -0.027195064
> Lag 7500 0.02284612 0.15705391 0.0114730973 0.12436415
> 0.03518200 0.122140444 -0.010875426
> Lag 15000 0.04558767 0.06901158 -0.0131587465 0.05700078
> 0.05371373 0.054479522 0.024634961
> Lag 75000 0.03567369 0.04099224 -0.0005695797 0.02014238
> -0.02546435 -0.006299296 -0.005569035
> zi_bait:operators presence temperature
> bait:gendermale zi_bait:gendermale
> Lag 0 1.00000000 1.000000000 1.00000000
> 1.000000000 1.00000000
> Lag 1500 0.43279808 -0.004789598 -0.03151510
> -0.002708028 0.33387297
> Lag 7500 0.05697190 0.012426457 0.02221331
> -0.025070273 0.11236772
> Lag 15000 0.05472752 -0.043356418 0.04499879
> -0.003589775 0.05618167
> Lag 75000 0.03342174 -0.007475513 0.03201374
> 0.015790374 -0.03167048
>> autocorr.diag(modelZI.9$VCV)
> bait.id zi_bait.id bait.dive
> zi_bait.dive bait.units zi_bait.units
> Lag 0 1.000000000 NaN 1.00000000 NaN
> 1.000000000 NaN
> Lag 1500 -0.026735489 NaN 0.03018431 NaN
> 0.003349623 NaN
> Lag 7500 -0.051666715 NaN -0.02011165 NaN
> -0.048462744 NaN
> Lag 15000 0.003918555 NaN -0.02777388 NaN
> -0.001752476 NaN
> Lag 75000 0.028123317 NaN -0.01640397 NaN
> 0.075907049 NaN
> I therefore wanted to ask if there are suggestions on how I could improve
> the mixing of my model without choosing these drastic changes or are these
> changes in the range of what I am allowed to do to my model?
> Thank you,
> Vital
> --
> *Vital Heim *
> *PhD student*
> University of Basel, Switzerland
> Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation
> Bimini, Bahamas
> +41 (0)79 732 05 57
> vital.heim using gmail.com
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