[R-sig-ME] Multiple-membership models with lme4
Sijia Huang
hu@ng@jcc @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 18 17:25:11 CEST 2020
Thanks for the response, Thierry!
I am fitting a multiple-membership model. Since a participant can belong to
more than one cluster, it is possible that the cluster number (number of
random effects) is larger than the number of observations. I wonder if
there is any trick I can perform in lme4 if I want to fit this model with
Thank you all!
On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 11:35 PM Thierry Onkelinx <thierry.onkelinx using inbo.be>
> Dear Sijia,
> The error message seems clear to me. The number of random effect levels
> must be less than the number of observations. Otherwise the can't distinct
> between the random effect and the residual.
> Best regards,
> ir. Thierry Onkelinx
> Statisticus / Statistician
> Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders
> Team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / Team Biometrics & Quality Assurance
> thierry.onkelinx using inbo.be
> Havenlaan 88 bus 73, 1000 Brussel
> www.inbo.be
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> To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more
> than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to say
> what the experiment died of. ~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
> The plural of anecdote is not data. ~ Roger Brinner
> The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not
> ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data.
> ~ John Tukey
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> <https://www.inbo.be>
> Op ma 18 mei 2020 om 07:32 schreef Sijia Huang <huangsjcc using gmail.com>:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am working on estimating multiple membership models with lme4, following
>> the instructions posted here
>> https://bbolker.github.io/mixedmodels-misc/notes/multimember.html
>> Below is my code, in which J2 is the number of clusters (in my case, the
>> clusters are clique-2s, and J2=1345) and N is the number of participants
>> (N=968). These participants belong to 0 to 11 of the clique-2s.
>> I got the below error. Could anyone help? Thanks!
>> > fake2 <- rep(1:J2, length.out=N)
>> > lmod <- lFormula(formula=y~1+(1|fake2), data=data)
>> Error: number of levels of each grouping factor must be < number of
>> observations
>> Best,
>> Sijia
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