[R-sig-ME] Computing pair-wise associations of fixed effects in gLMM

Julian Gaviria Lopez Ju||@n@G@v|r|@Lopez @end|ng |rom un|ge@ch
Tue May 5 13:47:33 CEST 2020

Dear list members.

I have a nested data comprised by 2 factors (conditions: A and B). Each factor has 8 levels: (clusters: c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8). N=33. Aim: To assess the pairwise association between the factors (i.e. correlation between Ac1 and   Bc1, etc.).  Although an LMM will count for the dependent nature of the data (repeated measures of the 33 participants observed in condition A, and consecutively in B), some of the  dependent variables are not normally distributed (7 out of 16) according to the shapiro test.  For this reason, I think a gLMM might be a good option:

M <-glmer(observation~condition+cluster+(1|subject),data=mDATA,family="poisson")


1) Would anyone is aware of a better option regarding the modelling method?

2) In case gLMM is the "right" way to go, I wonder how could I compute the pairwise correlations of the "fixed effects" (e.g. Ac1-Bc1;  Ac1-Bc2; ... Ac1-Bc8), with "glmer" function, or maybe with the glmmTMB?

Thanks in advance

Julian Gaviria
Neurology and Imaging of cognition lab (Labnic)
University of Geneva. Campus Biotech.
9 Chemin des Mines, 1202 Geneva, CH
Tel: +41 22 379 0380
Email: Julian.GaviriaLopez using unige.ch

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