[R-sig-ME] predict.glmmTMB when "cloglog" link is used.

Rolf Turner r@turner @end|ng |rom @uck|@nd@@c@nz
Sun Mar 22 09:01:34 CET 2020

Please consider the follow examples:

X <- dget("demoDat.txt")
fit1 <- glmmTMB(cbind(Dead,Alive) ~ (0+Trt)/Dose +
fit2 <- glmmTMB(cbind(Dead,Alive) ~ (0+Trt)/Dose +
p1 <- predict(fit1,type="response")
p2 <- predict(fit2,type="response")

The vector p1 appears to have "reasonable" entries i.e. they look (as 
they should) like probabilities:

>> p1 >   [1] 0.019609546 0.194977679 0.745729561 0.972612901 0.994688457 
>   [7] 0.999807998 0.999963583 0.022220571 0.120654723 0.833383226 0.967947980
>  [13] 0.994545468 0.999092456 0.999975082 0.106684473 0.261453062 0.512048780
> ....

The entries of p2 do not seem "reasonable".  In particular they all less 
than or equal to zero:

>> p2
>   [1]  -3.244681e+00  -1.597702e+00  -3.235952e-01  -6.683303e-04  -7.662901e-11
>   [6]  -5.930060e-33 -2.134861e-103   0.000000e+00  -3.360384e+00  -2.201879e+00
>  [11]  -3.222809e-01  -1.400287e-02  -6.947338e-07  -3.769347e-21 -2.254755e-225
> ....

Am I misunderstanding something, or is there a bug in predict.glmmTMB? 
The data set in question is attached as "demoDat.txt".

Thanks for any enlightenment.


Rolf Turner

Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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