[R-sig-ME] Multiple comparisons and post hoc tests on glmmTMB model, with the multcomp package.

Julian Gaviria Lopez Ju||@n@G@v|r|@Lopez @end|ng |rom un|ge@ch
Mon Aug 26 18:43:31 CEST 2019


I have the next model:

zipoisson <- glmmTMB(Observations ~ CAP * Condition + (1|ID), data=mDATA, ziformula=~ CAP * Condition , family=poisson)

Which result is:
 Family: nbinom1  ( log )
Formula:          Observations ~ CAP * Condition + (1 | ID)
Zero inflation:                ~CAP * Condition
Data: mDATA
     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid
  4798.4   4979.5  -2365.2   4730.4     1486

Random effects:
Conditional model:
 Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID     (Intercept) 0.003643 0.06036
Number of obs: 1520, groups:  ID, 19

Overdispersion parameter for nbinom1 family (): 0.681

Conditional model:
                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)             1.09079    0.11695   9.327  < 2e-16 ***
CAPinsC5               -1.03221    0.32151  -3.210  0.00133 **
CAPpreC1               -0.10200    0.17408  -0.586  0.55794
CAPpreC5               -0.50219    0.21082  -2.382  0.01722 *
Conditionaff           -0.17668    0.17403  -1.015  0.31000
Conditionneu           -0.12073    0.18997  -0.636  0.52509
Conditionpneu          -0.25180    0.19119  -1.317  0.18784
CAPinsC5:Conditionaff   1.17944    0.36350   3.245  0.00118 **
CAPpreC1:Conditionaff   0.40988    0.23992   1.708  0.08756 .
CAPpreC5:Conditionaff   0.33029    0.29746   1.110  0.26685
CAPinsC5:Conditionneu   0.75961    0.39673   1.915  0.05553 .
CAPpreC1:Conditionneu  -0.05464    0.27420  -0.199  0.84205
CAPpreC5:Conditionneu   0.57299    0.28324   2.023  0.04308 *
CAPinsC5:Conditionpneu  1.01513    0.42694   2.378  0.01742 *
CAPpreC1:Conditionpneu  0.14104    0.27380   0.515  0.60647
CAPpreC5:Conditionpneu  0.22652    0.33243   0.681  0.49562

I want to apply the Multiple comparisons and post hoc tests proposed in:
but it is not clear to me what stands for "components" and "period"

Thanks in advance for any input.

Julian Gaviria
Neurology and Imaging of cognition lab (Labnic)
University of Geneva. Campus Biotech.
9 Chemin des Mines, 1202 Geneva, CH
Tel: +41 22 379 0380
Email: Julian.GaviriaLopez using unige.ch

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