[R-sig-ME] specify random effects in lme4

Ben Adams ben@95472 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Aug 1 16:47:11 CEST 2019

I would like to ask for your help in specifying the random effects of a
model I have been working on in lme4. I have data from a field survey. The
objective of the study is to relate wing size (respond variable) with
habitat (exploratory variable, categorical variable with 2 levels). We
performed a paired design by sampling 50 individuals of 3 species in a
simple habitat and the same 3 species (n=50 again) in a complex habitat in
a region. We replicated that in 20 regions. I am both interested in the
species specific effects and community effects. For running the analyses
per species is this model correct?


For community wise effects is this model correct?


For a schematic check this

Thank you in advance,


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