[R-sig-ME] Anova()'s Wald chisquare test for predictors with df > 1 in a logistic GLMM

Fox, John j|ox @end|ng |rom mcm@@ter@c@
Thu Apr 18 18:58:52 CEST 2019

Dear Paul,

The Wald() function suffices for the simple case you use, where there are no interactions. The trick in the more complex case of "type-II" tests for models with terms related by marginality is to generate the correct restriction matrix, which doesn't simply pick out certain coefficients.


  John Fox, Professor Emeritus
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  Web: http::/socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox

> On Apr 18, 2019, at 12:18 PM, Paul Johnson <paul.johnson using glasgow.ac.uk> wrote:
>> I'm trying to figure out how the Wald chi-square test is performed for a
>> nominal predictor with more than two levels in the context of a logistic
>> GLMM.
> Keep in mind that Wald tests and LRTs for GLMMs come with health warnings, e.g. 
> https://bbolker.github.io/mixedmodels-misc/glmmFAQ.html#tests-of-effects-i.e.testing-that-several-parameters-are-simultaneously-zero
>> But how are they calculated for a multi-level nominal predictor?
>> My (un)educated guess is that for each level of the nominal variable, the
>> z-score is squared and the sum of these squares compared to the right-tail
>> probability of the chi-squared distribution with DF equal to the number of
>> levels of the predictor minus one. And indeed this square-the-z approach
>> seems to correctly reproduce the results of Anova() for predictors with a
>> single degree of freedom. But I can't make it reproduce the results of
>> Anova() for predictors with more than one level. Hence my question: how is
>> the test statistic calculated?
> When the null hypothesis is that more than one fixed effect is zero (as with a factor with >2 levels), the covariances of the fixed effects have to be be taken into account. The Wald statistic is
>    t(R %*% b) %*% solve(R %*% vc %*% t(R)) %*% (R %*% b)
> where R is a restriction matrix that picks out the contrasts you're interested in, b is the fixed effect estimates vector, and vc is the estimated covariance matrix of the fixed effects (and we’re assuming that as is usual the null hypothesis values of b are all zero). In the case where you’re testing a multilevel categorical variable, R %*% b is simply the vector of estimates for the k-1 non-reference levels and R %*% vc %*% t(R) is the k-1 X k-1 block of the covariance matrix for those k-1 fixed effects. If the covariances were all zero (e.g. by design — but I don’t think they can be for multilevel factors), the Wald statistic formula above would reduce to your sum of squares of z method.
> Below is an binomial glmer example with a Wald test function I found on the web years ago. It gives the same result as car::Anova but it’s easier to see the inner workings.
> Best wishes,
> Paul
> # wald z-test function 
> # (adapted from Stijn Ruiter's function http://stijnruiter.nl/blog/?p=309 - broken link)
> Wald<-
>  function(object, # lme4 or glmmTMB fit
>           R, # restrictions matrix. null hypothesis: R %*% fixef(object) = q
>           q = NULL, # null values. by default q is a vector of zeroes
>           gmmTMB.model = "cond")
>  {
>    require(lme4)
>    if (!is.matrix(R)) stop("Restrictions must be a matrix")
>    if(is.null(q)) q <- rep(0, nrow(R))
>    b <- fixef(object)
>    if(class(b) == "fixef.glmmTMB") b <- b[[gmmTMB.model]]
>    vc <- vcov(object)
>    if("vcov.glmmTMB" %in% class(vc)) vc <- vc[[gmmTMB.model]]
>    w <- t(R %*% b - q) %*% solve(R %*% vc %*% t(R)) %*% (R %*% b - q)
>    pw <- pchisq(w[1], length(q), lower.tail = FALSE)
>    cat("*************\n* Wald Test *\n*************\n")
>    cat("lme4 fixed effects:\n")
>    print(fixef(object))
>    cat("\nRestrictions:\n")
>    print(R)
>    cat("\nq = ",q)
>    cat("\nChi-square:", round(w[1],3), " df = ", length(q))
>    cat("\nProb x>chisq:", round(pw, 5), "\n")
>    return(pw)
>  }
> # first example from ?glmer
> library(lme4)
> library(car)
> (gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
>              data = cbpp, family = binomial))
> R <- cbind(0, diag(3))
> # ...but ideally you want to generate the restriction matrix automatically
> Wald(gm1, R = R)
> anova(gm1, update(gm1, ~ . - period))
> Anova(gm1)
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