[R-sig-ME] NaN output from mcse on a glmm model
Adriaan De Jong
Adr|@@n@de@Jong @end|ng |rom @|u@@e
Sat Feb 2 11:30:39 CET 2019
Dear Ben, Dear David,
Thanks for your information and suggestions.
I removed the cluster part of the script, but the mcse function continues to produce NaN's only. I'll continue along the steps suggested by Ben and report.
The mcse evaluation is important because I have no a priori information about the required number of iterations. If I cannot find my way around the mcse function problem, I may just rerun the script a couple of times with increasing m to see how things develop. If the estimates remain stable, I may choose to trust the highest level iterations. The fact that David's output for m=100 is very similar to mine with m=10000 is reassuring.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Duffy [mailto:David.Duffy using qimrberghofer.edu.au]
Sent: den 2 februari 2019 00:42
To: Ben Bolker <bbolker using gmail.com>; Adriaan De Jong <Adriaan.de.Jong using slu.se>
Cc: R-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org
Subject: RE: [R-sig-ME] NaN output from mcse on a glmm model
I ran it as a single instance ie no makeCluster(), with m=100, and it seems OK
Fixed Effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.48177 0.02022 172.180 <2e-16 ***
StatusConstruction 0.01733 0.02357 0.735 0.4621
StatusReady 0.04639 0.02258 2.054 0.0399 *
StatusTrafic 0.02267 0.02192 1.034 0.3010
Variance Components for Random Effects (P-values are one-tailed):
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)/2
Site 0.06095 0.02419 2.52 0.00587 **
With glmer VC is 0.06088, and with another MCMC package, 0.066, SE=0.028
So maybe the clustering code?
Cheers, David Duffy.
From: R-sig-mixed-models [r-sig-mixed-models-bounces using r-project.org] on behalf of Ben Bolker [bbolker using gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, 2 February 2019 3:26 AM
To: Adriaan De Jong
Cc: R-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] NaN output from mcse on a glmm model
I can confirm this on my system. I looked and nothing obviously fishy pops out about the model or the data. Inside the mcvcov() function, after calling the C-code guts of the computation, stuff[[4]] (the "numsum" component of the list passed to the C code) is full of Inf and NaN values. If I were you I'd (1) try a couple of very simple examples, one with bernoulli and one with poisson data, to support your idea that there's something wrong with the Poisson case; (2) look around for examples of people using the package, e.g.
and see if there are Poisson examples; (3) contact the maintainer ...
On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 8:49 AM Adriaan De Jong <Adriaan.de.Jong using slu.se> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I ran the following glmm on the attached data file, guided by
> Christina Knudson's "An introduction to Model-Fitting with the R package glmm, 11th of December 2018. (Fresh R download and all packages recently updated. I'm aware of the fact that the cluster part of the script I redundant) Everything appears to work fine, but when I try to extract the Monte Carlo standard errors with mcse I only receive NaN's for each of the parameters in the model.
> The example in Christina Knudson's text uses Bernoulli data, while I use count data (Poisson). Is that the cause of the NaN's?
> Grateful for any explanation or suggestion. Thanks in advance.
> Have a nice weekend,
> Adjan
> Adriaan "Adjan" de Jong
> Senior researcher
> Dept. of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies Swedish University
> of Agricultural Sciences
> set.seed(2019)
> clust<-makeCluster(2)
> mm01<-glmm(Arter ~ Status, random=list(~0+Site),
> varcomps.names=c("Site"), data=ArterVis, family.glmm=poisson.glmm,
> m=10000, cluster=clust)
> stopCluster(clust)
> summary(mm01)
> coef(mm01)
> confint(mm01)
> mcse(mm01)
> se(mm01)
> ---
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