[R-sig-ME] types of residuals in lme4

Burcu Darst bd@r@t @ending from wi@c@edu
Tue Jun 12 20:34:59 CEST 2018

I am using lme4 to get residuals from a model that has two random intercepts, as shown below:

test = lmer(continuousOutcome ~ age + sex + (1|DBID) + (1|familyID), data, na.action = na.exclude)

I’ve tried extracting all of the following types of residuals, but the only differences I observe between these approaches are due to scaling (i.e., residuals do not differ by residual type).

resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "pearson", scaled = TRUE))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "working", scaled = TRUE))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "response", scaled = TRUE))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "deviance", scaled = TRUE))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "pearson"))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "working"))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "response"))
resids = as.data.table(residuals(test,type = "deviance"))

Is this an expected result when using lme4 to obtain residuals from mixed models? I want to ensure that the residuals I am obtaining are individual level (which they appear to be) and that they account for the two random intercepts (which I believe they do, since they differ if I exclude one of the random intercepts).

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