[R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 136, Issue 41

Maarten Jung Maarten.Jung at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Wed May 2 00:27:06 CEST 2018

Sorry, I forgot that lmer() (unlike lmer_alt() from the afex package)
does not convert factors to numeric covariates when using the the
double-bar notation!
The model I was talking about would be:

m_zcp5 <- lmer_alt(angle ~ recipe  + (recipe || replicate), cake)
 Groups      Name        Std.Dev.
 replicate   (Intercept) 6.2359
 replicate.1 re1.recipe1 1.7034
 replicate.2 re1.recipe2 0.0000
 Residual                5.3775

This model seems to differ (and I don't really understand why) from
m_zcp6 which I think is equivalent to your m_zcp4:
m_zcp6 <- lmer_alt(angle ~ recipe  + (0 + recipe || replicate), cake)
 Groups      Name        Std.Dev.
 replicate   re1.recipeA 5.0429
 replicate.1 re1.recipeB 6.6476
 replicate.2 re1.recipeC 7.1727
 Residual                5.4181

anova(m_zcp6, m_zcp5, refit = FALSE)
Data: data
m_zcp6: angle ~ recipe + ((0 + re1.recipeA | replicate) + (0 + re1.recipeB |
m_zcp6:     replicate) + (0 + re1.recipeC | replicate))
m_zcp5: angle ~ recipe + ((1 | replicate) + (0 + re1.recipe1 | replicate) +
m_zcp5:     (0 + re1.recipe2 | replicate))
       Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
m_zcp6  7 1781.8 1807.0 -883.88   1767.8
m_zcp5  7 1742.0 1767.2 -863.98   1728.0 39.807      0  < 2.2e-16 ***

Do m_zcp5 and Model3b estimate the same random effects in this case?
If not, what is the difference between m_zcp5 and Model3b (except for
the fact that the variance depends on the
recipe in m_zcp5) and which one is the more complex model?
I would be glad if you could elaborate on this and help me and the
others understand these models.


On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 9:53 PM, Rune Haubo <rune.haubo at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1 May 2018 at 15:45, Maarten Jung <Maarten.Jung at mailbox.tu-dresden.de> wrote:
>> Dear Rune,
>> am I right in thinking of Model3b as a zero-correlation-parameter
>> model (m_zcp) but with the variances of the operators-related effects
>> constrained to equality?
>> Specifically, is the difference between Model3b and m_zcp that m_zcp
>> estimates variance components for each level of the factor 'machines'
>> and Model3b assumes equal variances across the levels of machines and
>> estimates only one variance for all levels?
>> Model3b <- lmer(Y ~ machines + (1 | operators) + (1 | machines:operators))
>> m_zcp  <- lmer(Y ~ machines + (machines || operators))
>> Cheers,
>> Maarten
> Hmm, well, that only makes partial sense to me. You probably want to compare
> Model2 <- lmer(Y ~ machines + (1 | machines:operators))
> with m_zcp. These two models have the same number of random effects
> the difference
> being that Model2 assumes a single variance for all of them, while m_zcp
> assumes that the vectors of random effects for each operator come from a
> multivariate normal distribution the dimension of which match the number of
> machines.
> This is probably easier to think about if we look at a concrete example, say
> using the cake data from lme4. Here recipe=machines and replicate=operators;
> there are 3 levels for recipe and 15 replicates.
> First, '(recipe || replicate)' is the same as/expands to '(1 |
> replicate) + (0 + recipe | replicate)'
> which is just an over-parameterized version of '(0 + recipe | replicate)', which
> again is a re-parameterized version of '(recipe | replicate)'. These are all
> representing the same model (all on 10 df though lmer() is mislead and thinks
> that m_zcp has 11 df):
>> library(lmerTest)
>> m_zcp <- lmer(angle ~ recipe  + (recipe || replicate), cake)
>> VarCorr(m_zcp)
>  Groups      Name        Std.Dev. Corr
>  replicate   (Intercept) 0.0000
>  replicate.1 recipeA     5.0692
>              recipeB     6.7300   0.951
>              recipeC     7.2107   0.902 0.991
>  Residual                5.3622
>> m_zcp2 <- lmer(angle ~ recipe + (0 + recipe | replicate), cake)
>> VarCorr(m_zcp2)
>  Groups    Name    Std.Dev. Corr
>  replicate recipeA 5.0692
>            recipeB 6.7300   0.951
>            recipeC 7.2107   0.902 0.991
>  Residual          5.3622
>> m_zcp3 <- lmer(angle ~ recipe + (recipe | replicate), cake)
>> anova(m_zcp, m_zcp2, m_zcp3, refit=FALSE)
> Data: cake
> Models:
> m_zcp2: angle ~ recipe + (0 + recipe | replicate)
> m_zcp3: angle ~ recipe + (recipe | replicate)
> m_zcp: angle ~ recipe + (recipe || replicate)
>        Df  AIC    BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
> m_zcp2 10 1741 1777.0 -860.5     1721
> m_zcp3 10 1741 1777.0 -860.5     1721     0      0          1
> m_zcp  11 1743 1782.6 -860.5     1721     0      1          1
> If we want to enforce a diagonal covariance matrix for the random effects,
> we can use the dummy function:
> m_zcp4 <- lmer(angle ~ recipe +
>                  (0 + dummy(recipe, "A") | replicate) +
>                  (0 + dummy(recipe, "B") | replicate) +
>                  (0 + dummy(recipe, "C") | replicate), data=cake)
> VarCorr(m_zcp4)
>  Groups      Name               Std.Dev.
>  replicate   dummy(recipe, "A") 5.0429
>  replicate.1 dummy(recipe, "B") 6.6476
>  replicate.2 dummy(recipe, "C") 7.1727
>  Residual                       5.4181
> Now we have something closer to what I think you were thinking of. Here,
> Model2 <- lmer(angle ~ recipe + (1 | recipe:replicate), data=cake)
> and m_zcp estimate the same random effects, but Model2 assumes they have
> the same variance while m_zcp says that the variance depends on the
> recipe and none of the models include correlation parameters.
> In this case the difference in variance between recipes is small and
> the random-effect estimates are very similar (as is the test for the
> fixed-effects of recipe):
> head(matrix(unlist(ranef(Model2)[[1]]), ncol=3))
>           [,1]      [,2]        [,3]
> [1,] 10.444800 13.695174 15.22126404
> [2,]  9.106993 13.397883 13.43752216
> [3,]  5.242219  4.181884  3.47829667
> [4,] -2.487329  1.357626  4.22152245
> [5,]  2.269316  1.654916 -3.21073538
> [6,] -6.054813 -2.953084 -0.08918709
> head(ranef(m_zcp4)$replicate)
>   dummy(recipe, "A") dummy(recipe, "B") dummy(recipe, "C")
> 1           9.821502          13.824869        15.58456445
> 2           8.563530          13.524764        13.75824831
> 3           4.929388           4.221487         3.56131649
> 4          -2.338897           1.370483         4.32228155
> 5           2.133894           1.670588        -3.28736906
> 6          -5.693489          -2.981050        -0.09131581
> Cheers
> Rune

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