[R-sig-ME] prediction with glmer
Schlattmann, Peter
peter.schlattmann at med.uni-jena.de
Thu Feb 22 11:43:41 CET 2018
Dear all,
Apologies for a potential second post, I am not sure my first post came through.
I am fitting a generalized linear mixed model with lme4 using glmer
with binomial errors and logit link. I am using the “predict” function
to obtain predicted values for the current model and data set.
Here is some sample code
m.age50<-glmer(ct_pos~cath_pos+(1+cath_pos|study_no),data=test, amily=binomial,na.action=na.omit)
My question is now: How exactly are the predictions calculated? I could not find any details in the documentation. Are these just
based on the fixed effects setting the random effects to zero? Or are these empirical Bayes estimates?
Is there any documentation available?
Thank you very much in advance.
Universitätsklinikum Jena - Bachstrasse 18 - D-07743 Jena
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