[R-sig-ME] model specification in lmer

silvia.matesanzgarcia at gmail.com silvia.matesanzgarcia at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 19:55:53 CET 2017

Hello all

I am attempting to fit a mixed model in lmer. I have an experimental design
with families nested within populations in two different treatments, and I
want to test the effects of Pop, Trt, and Pop:Trt as fixed factors, and
Family and Family*Trt as random factors. 


My full model would be: 

model1=lmer(Trait~Pop*Trt + (Trt|Family)

I can then use: 

model2=lmer(Trait~Pop*Trt + (1|Family)


anova(model1, model2) would provide signification for the interaction term.


I would need a third model with only the interaction term, so that I can
compare it to the full model and obtain significance for the family term.
But I can't figure out how to do this last part. 


Can I just compare model2 to a model with no random part? 


Thank you so much for your help in advance.


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