[R-sig-ME] Gamma-shape parameter extraction

andreu blanco andreu.blanco at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 11:30:14 CEST 2017


I am dealing with hurdle models for which I need to extract the dispersion
parameter of my gamma model, which I did with glmmadmb. However I am not
able to extract that value from the summary. Of course I can copy paste,
but I rather want to know how to do it. Thanks!
That's my summary:


glmmadmb(formula = Biomass ~ Protection + Exposure + Protection:Exposure +
    (1 | Protection:Location), data = Aarmata.pos, family = "Gamma",
    link = "log")

AIC: 644.9

                                        Estimate Std. Error z value
(Intercept)                                4.184      0.452    9.25
 <2e-16 ***
ProtectionProtected                        0.201      0.647    0.31
ExposureSemiexposed                       -0.609      0.349   -1.75
0.081 .
ProtectionProtected:ExposureSemiexposed   -0.674      0.575   -1.17
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Number of observations: total=61, Protection:Location=8
Random effect variance(s):
            Variance StdDev
(Intercept)   0.6592 0.8119

Gamma shape parameter: 1.4473 (std. err.: 0.25759)

Log-likelihood: -316.472

Andreu Blanco Cartagena

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