[R-sig-ME] https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/301763/using-random-effect-predictions-in-other-models?noredirect=1#comment573574_301763

Joshua Rosenberg jmichaelrosenberg at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 17:37:44 CEST 2017

Hi R-Sig-mixed-models,

My question is about the use of predictions of effects for specific units
(such as an individual in the case of repeated measures data) in other
models. I'm especially interested in whether the group thinks this is a
good / useful approach for using repeated measures data to predict a
longer-term outcome. I am also interested in whether the group has any
suggestions for betters way to do this (or to combine what now requires two

For example, were individual-level predicted effects to be obtained from a
mixed effects model (through a null model, i.e. there is random intercept
for individuals and no fixed effect), could they be used to predict an
individual-level outcome?

I am thinking about this specifically in the context of repeated measures
data (collected using Experience Sampling Method, or ESM, whereby students
are asked every so often to respond to questions about their interest and
engagement) and pre- and post-survey measures, representing a longer-term
outcome, students' self-reported interest in a STEM career.

Here is how I am thinking about this, using lmer() and lm() to specify the

m1 <- lmer(repeated_measures_outcome ~ 1 + (1 | participant), data)

Process the data to obtain the predicted intercept for each participant.

m2 <- lm(longer_term_outcome ~ prior_level_of_longer_term_outcome +

When I have shared this idea with others (i.e., in this Stack Overflow
question) I have received feedback that a) yes, you can do this and b) you
could / should combine the two models (m1 and m2 in this example) into one
model. This would (obviously?) require using a different approach - but I
do not have a clear idea of what this would require (MCMCglmm? brms?).

Any general or specific advice is welcomed. Thank you for your
consideration of this. If I can or need to provide more detail or
background, then please do not hesitate to tell me so!


Joshua Rosenberg, Ph.D. Candidate
Educational Psychology
 Educational Technology
Michigan State University

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