[R-sig-ME] completely nested glmer
Troels Ring
tring at gvdnet.dk
Wed Aug 30 10:15:33 CEST 2017
Dear friends - I have a question which is basic and probably simple but
disturbing to me. I am on Windows 7 or 10, R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
-- "Single Candle"
I have 2013 measurements of capillary flow speed obtained from 204
glomeruli originating from 29 rats, 10 of whom are controls, 11 made
diabetic, and 8 made hyperglycemic otherwise. Altogether I have 621
capillaries from controls, 964 from diabetics and 428 from hyperglycemic.
If I make a direct aov
summary(z2 <- aov(Speed~TRT,SCAN))
# diff lwr upr p adj
#Diab-Ctrl -0.4266708 -0.65092625 -0.20241526 0.0000255
#Hyper-Ctrl -0.2206938 -0.49449343 0.05310581 0.1416500
#Hyper-Diab 0.2059769 -0.04716959 0.45912348 0.1365243
and a similar result is obtained with kruskal.test
I happen to know the flow is approximately gamma distributed and
summary(z1a <- glm(Speed~TRT,SCAN,family=Gamma)) where TRT is the three
level factor, leaves me a significant effect of diabetes
However, as it is, glomeruli are nested within rats, and rats are by
design nested within one of the three groups
Hence I make
summary(z3a <- glmer(Speed~TRT + (1|RAT)+(1|ind) + (1|RAT:ind)
,data=SCAN,family=Gamma)) where ind is an indicator for each of the 204
glomeruli. And the fixed effect TRT is not significant.
But taking into account that RAT is nested within TRT leaves me
something like
summary(z77 <- glmer(Speed~ 1 +(1|TRT/RAT/ind) ,data=SCAN,family=Gamma))
which fits without protests and gives me
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ind:(RAT:TRT) (Intercept) 0.003839 0.06196
RAT:TRT (Intercept) 0.001479 0.03846
TRT (Intercept) 0.000000 0.00000
Residual 0.237689 0.48753
Number of obs: 2013, groups: ind:(RAT:TRT), 204; RAT:TRT, 29; TRT, 3
which hardly indicates strong effect of TRT levels?
The results of the aov or first glm would fit expectations - but ignores
the nesting. So is the mixed model wrong? (it looks reasonable from
diagnostic plots)
Best wishes
Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark
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