[R-sig-ME] random effects CIs

Phillip Alday phillip.alday at mpi.nl
Mon Aug 28 12:04:27 CEST 2017

I'm less surprised -- the credible interval constructed with JAGS is for
the current model fit, i.e. without estimating additional levels of the
random effects. This is in line with the Bayesian way of conditioning on
the observed data. (Maybe one of the better Bayesians on the list can
better comment on this point.)


On 08/28/2017 11:54 AM, Greg Dropkin wrote:
> Hi Phillip
> Thanks. Yes, I was aware of your points but what surprised me was that the
> R2jags CI was closer to use.u = true.
> Greg
>> Hi Greg,
>> I haven't checked your code for correctness, but the pattern you've
>> found is typical. I don't know if there is a "best" answer, but broader
>> confidence intervals are more conservative and so should have better
>> coverage, if that's what you're going for.  The biggest difference for
>> use.u=FALSE is how the random effects are handled, from the Details for
>> ?bootMer:
>>>  If ‘use.u’ is ‘FALSE’ and ‘type’ is ‘"parametric"’, each
>>>  simulation generates new values of both the “_spherical_”
>>>  random effects u and the i.i.d. errors epsilon, using
>>>  ‘rnorm()’ with parameters corresponding to the fitted model
>>>  ‘x’.
>>>  If ‘use.u’ is ‘TRUE’ and ‘type=="parametric"’, only the
>>>  i.i.d. errors (or, for GLMMs, response values drawn from the
>>>  appropriate distributions) are resampled, with the values of
>>>  u staying fixed at their estimated values.
>> In other words, use.u=FALSE generates new levels of the random effects,
>> so in the case of Dyestuff, it simulates new, unseen Batches based on
>> the estimates of the between-Batch variance. In the use.u=TRUE case, it
>> re-uses the observed Batches and just simulates the observation-level /
>> residual error.  So, the use.u=FALSE case introduces "new" variation /
>> models additional variation and has broader confidence intervals. If I'm
>> not mistaken, this is related to the difference between prediction and
>> confidence intervals.
>> Best,
>> Phillip
>> On 08/21/2017 10:21 PM, Greg Dropkin wrote:
>>> Dear list
>>> apologies if these questions have already been answered here - if so
>>> just
>>> point me to them.
>>> Am I implementing these 4 approaches to CIs for the random effects
>>> correctly (for Dyestuff), and if so, which is best (or is "best"
>>> meaningless)? bootMer use.u=FALSE seems to be recommended in the lme4
>>> manual, but gives quite different results to the other 3 which are
>>> roughly
>>> comparable. Is there a better way?
>>> thanks
>>> Greg Dropkin
>>> --
>>> library(lme4)
>>> library(lattice)
>>> library(boot)
>>> library(R2jags)
>>> #1
>>> #as in Ch 1 of Douglas Bates' book on lme4:
>>> fm01<-lmer(Yield~1+(1|Batch),data=Dyestuff)
>>> dotplot(ranef(fm01,condVar=TRUE))
>>> attr(ranef(fm01,condVar=TRUE)$Batch,"postVar")
>>> #all the same
>>> sd1<-attr(ranef(fm01,condVar=TRUE)$Batch,"postVar")[[1]]^0.5
>>> sd1
>>> #the estimates are ranef(fm01), and the CIs shown in the dotplot are +/-
>>> sd1*qnorm(0.975)
>>> #e.g. for Batch A:
>>> ranef(fm01)$Batch[1,]
>>> ranef(fm01)$Batch[1,]+c(-1,1)*sd1*qnorm(0.975)
>>> #2
>>> #as recommended in the lme4 manual
>>> #bootMer with use.u=FALSE
>>> g<-function(.) ranef(.)$Batch[1,]
>>> bootg<-bootMer(fm01,g,seed=1,nsim=1000,use.u=FALSE,.progress="txt",PBarg=list(style=3))
>>> boot.ci(bootg,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))
>>> #3
>>> #bootMer with use.u=TRUE
>>> bootgu<-bootMer(fm01,g,seed=1,nsim=1000,use.u=TRUE,.progress="txt",PBarg=list(style=3))
>>> boot.ci(bootgu,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))
>>> #4
>>> #R2jags
>>> I<-1:30
>>> J<-1+floor((I-1)/5)
>>> zY<-with(Dyestuff,(Yield-mean(Yield))/sd(Yield))
>>> sdY<-with(Dyestuff,sd(Yield))
>>> mod1.data<-list("zY","I","J")
>>> mod1.parameters<-c("Con.adj","a.adj","mu.a","sigma.a","sig")
>>> mod1.mod<-function()
>>> {
>>> Con.adj<-Con+mean(a[])
>>> for (j in 1:6)
>>> {
>>> a[j]~dnorm(mu.a,1/sigma.a^2)
>>> a.adj[j]<-a[j]-mean(a[])
>>> }
>>> for (i in I)
>>> {
>>> zY[i]~dnorm(lp[i],1/sig^2)
>>> lp[i]<-Con+a[J[i]]
>>> }
>>> Con~dnorm(0,0.000001)
>>> mu.a~dnorm(0,0.0001)
>>> sigma.a~dunif(0,100)
>>> sig~dunif(0,100)
>>> }
>>> set.seed(1)
>>> mod1.mod.fit<-jags(data=mod1.data, inits=NULL,
>>> parameters.to.save=mod1.parameters, n.chains=3, n.iter=50000,
>>> n.burnin=10000, model.file=mod1.mod)
>>> mod1.mod.fit
>>> mat1<-mod1.mod.fit$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix
>>> mean(mat1[,1]+mat1[,2])*sdY
>>> quantile(mat1[,1]+mat1[,2],c(0.025,0.975))*sdY
>>> #comparison
>>> cim<-matrix(0,8,3)
>>> rownames(cim)<-c("conditional sd","bootMer use.u=F norm","bootMer
>>> use.u=F
>>> basic","bootMer use.u=F perc","bootMer use.u=T norm","bootMer use.u=T
>>> basic","bootMer use.u=T perc","jags")
>>> colnames(cim)<-c("estimate","low","high")
>>> cim[1:7,1]<-ranef(fm01)$Batch[1,]
>>> cim[1,2:3]<-ranef(fm01)$Batch[1,]+c(-1,1)*sd1*qnorm(0.975)
>>> cim[2,2:3]<-boot.ci(bootg,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))$norm[,2:3]
>>> cim[3,2:3]<-boot.ci(bootg,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))$basic[,4:5]
>>> cim[4,2:3]<-boot.ci(bootg,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))$perc[,4:5]
>>> cim[5,2:3]<-boot.ci(bootgu,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))$norm[,2:3]
>>> cim[6,2:3]<-boot.ci(bootgu,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))$basic[,4:5]
>>> cim[7,2:3]<-boot.ci(bootgu,type=c("norm","basic","perc"))$perc[,4:5]
>>> cim[8,1]<-mean(mat1[,1]+mat1[,2])*sdY
>>> cim[8,2:3]<-quantile(mat1[,1]+mat1[,2],c(0.025,0.975))*sdY
>>> cim
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