[R-sig-ME] nlme package, fixing variance.covariance matrix of residuals

Phillip Alday phillip.alday at mpi.nl
Thu Aug 17 22:50:37 CEST 2017

This is an indirect (non)-answer, but Wolfgang Viechtbauer has a nice
comparison of lme and rma in the metafor online documentation:


It might be possible to figure out your problem from that -- and if you
do, please 'self-answer' on the list to document it for other users!


On 08/17/2017 07:09 PM, Wölwer, Anna-Lena wrote:
> Dear R team,
> I would like to do a multivariate meta-analysis in R using the nlme package. In meta-analysis I fix the residuals to known sampling errors. As I do a multivariate analysis, I have a variance-covariance matrix of sampling errors. Unfortunately, via varFixed I can only fix a vector of sampling errors and no matrix.
> In the R package metafor using the rma.mv function I can insert the variance-covariance matrix in the function. I would like to do the same with lme from the nlme package as nlme provides more flexibility for my model.
> Do you now any possibility of doing so in nlme? Are there any changes planned to incorporate this feature?
> Best wishes, I am looking forward to your feedback
> Anna-Lena W�lwer
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