[R-sig-ME] LMER: Visualizing three-way interaction

Ulf Köther ukoether at uke.de
Thu Apr 13 10:39:40 CEST 2017

Hello Klemens,

Have a look at the effects package and this document:


Using the Owles data (two continuous variables and one categorical, but
fit to a bernoulli response, which doesn't matter for your problem,
because it results also in a continuous variable for the fit), you can
cut your data in sections:


cowles.mod <- glm(volunteer ~ sex * neuroticism * extraversion,
                  data=Cowles, family=binomial)

# standard effects plot via lattice:
plot(effect("sex*neuroticism*extraversion", cowles.mod,
            xlevels = list(neuroticism = 0:24,
		           extraversion = seq(0, 24, 6))),
     multiline = TRUE, ylab = "Probability(Volunteer)")

# easily to get a dataframe to do it yourself with ggplot2:
ne.effect <- data.frame(effect("sex*neuroticism*extraversion",
			       xlevels=list(neuroticism = seq(0, 24, 6),

ne.effect$neuroticismF <- factor(ne.effect$neuroticism,
				labels = paste0("extraversion: ",

ggplot(ne.effect, aes(x = extraversion, y = fit, group = sex)) +
theme_bw() + ylim(0,1) +
    geom_line(aes(linetype = sex), size = 1.2) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, linetype = sex),
    color = "black", fill = "grey", alpha = 0.1) +
    facet_wrap(~ neuroticismF)

Extracting data with different levels for continuous variables does also
work with objects from lmer if you want to only concentrate on the fixed
effects estimates. And this attempt at plotting three variables is the
most standard one for the every day reviewer from my opinion...

Good luck!

Am 12.04.2017 um 20:54 schrieb Thierry Onkelinx:
> Dear Klemens,
> Here is my €0.02
> library(ggplot2)
> dataset <- expand.grid(
>   x = seq(0, 1, length = 41),
>   y = seq(0, 1, length = 41),
>   z =factor( c("A", "B"))
> )
> dataset$fit <- with(dataset,
>   ifelse(
>     z == "A",
>      x - 2 * x^2 + 0.5 * x * y + 3 * y - y ^ 2,
>     -x - 1 * x^2 - 2 * x * y - 3 * y + y ^ 2
>   )
> )
> ggplot(dataset, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = fit)) +
>   geom_raster() +
>   facet_wrap(~ z) +
>   scale_fill_gradient2()
> ggplot(dataset, aes(x = x, y = y, z = fit)) +
>   geom_contour(aes(colour = ..level..), binwidth = 0.25) +
>   facet_wrap(~ z) +
>   scale_colour_gradient2()
> ggplot(dataset, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
>   geom_raster(aes(fill = fit)) +
>   geom_contour(aes(z = fit), binwidth = 0.25) +
>   facet_wrap(~ z) +
>   scale_fill_gradient(low = "black", high = "white")
> Best regards,
> Thierry
> ir. Thierry Onkelinx
> Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature
> and Forest
> team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / team Biometrics & Quality Assurance
> Kliniekstraat 25
> 1070 Anderlecht
> Belgium
> To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no
> more than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be
> able to say what the experiment died of. ~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
> The plural of anecdote is not data. ~ Roger Brinner
> The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does
> not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body
> of data. ~ John Tukey
> 2017-04-12 19:06 GMT+02:00 Evan Palmer-Young <ecp52 at cornell.edu>:
>> Dear Klemens,
>> I also have been asked to remove plot3d plots that I thought were
>> stupendous, but I guess not everybody likes them!
>> How about two two-way interaction plots for the regressions of continuous
>> variable 1 vs 2, with separate panels for the levels of the categorical
>> variable?
>> You can get fitted model values and CI's with the lsmeans function, using
>> the "at" argument to specify covariate values.
>> If the plot is too bland, you can sprinkle the raw data on top as an extra
>> layer of points.
>> Best wishes, Evan
>> On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 5:41 AM, Klemens Knöferle <knoeferle at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to visualize a three-way interaction from a rather complex
>>> linear mixed model in R (lmer function from the lme4 package; the model has
>>> a complex random-effects structure). The interaction consists of two
>>> continuous variables and one categorical variable (two experimental
>>> conditions).
>>> So far, I have graphed the interaction via two 3D-surface plots using
>>> visreg2d from the visreg package. But my reviewers found these plots
>>> confusing and asked for a different illustration, such as conditional
>>> coefficient plots (i.e., plots of the strength of coefficient 1 as
>>> coefficient 2 increases).
>>> I've tried to find a package that allows me to create these kind of plots,
>>> but failed. The existing packages only allow coefficient plots for two-way
>>> interactions (for instance the interplot package;
>>> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/interplot/
>>> vignettes/interplot-vignette.html).
>>> That means I only get a conditional coefficient plot of the two-way
>>> interaction, collapsed across both levels of the categorical variable.
>>> Is there a package for my case? If not, I probably have to manually extract
>>> fitted values from my model (e.g., using broom) and somehow plot them in
>>> ggplot2. But I don't really know how to do this, whether or not to take
>>> into account random effects (and how), etc. Any ideas would be much
>>> appreciated...
>>> Klemens Knöferle, Ph.D.
>>> Associate Professor - Department of Marketing
>>> BI Norwegian Business School
>>> Visiting address: Nydalsveien 37, 0484 Oslo
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>> --
>> Evan Palmer-Young
>> PhD candidate
>> Department of Biology
>> 221 Morrill Science Center
>> 611 North Pleasant St
>> Amherst MA 01003
>> https://sites.google.com/a/cornell.edu/evan-palmer-young/
>> epalmery at cns.umass.edu
>> ecp52 at cornell.edu
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Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf; Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts; Gerichtsstand: Hamburg | www.uke.de
Vorstandsmitglieder: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Göke (Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Dr. Uwe Koch-Gromus, Joachim Prölß, Rainer Schoppik


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