[R-sig-ME] ZIPoisson MCMCglmm: potential non-independence of random effect repeat number and response variable

Rebecca Hooper rebecca.hooper at evobio.eu
Wed Jan 18 13:14:57 CET 2017

Dear List,

I am looking at the annual reproductive success of individuals relative to
their dispersal behaviour using ZIPoisson MCMCglmms.
The data is structured in such a way that individuals have one row per year
lived (so if they live to 5yo they have 5 rows).
Annual reproductive success (ARS) is the response variable and is zero
inflated (85% 0s).
Dispersal score per year is the predictor variable, and Individual ID is
the random effect.

ARS may not be independent of longevity, and thus the number of rows
individuals have in the data may not be independent of the response
variable (e.g. individuals that live longer, with more rows in the data,
may have decreased reproductive success per year relative to those that
live less long).

I don't know how this non-independence between the response variable and
the number of repeats of the random effect might effect the model results,
and would be very grateful for some insight into whether this is likely to
cause problems.

Many thanks,


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