[R-sig-ME] glmmADMB question

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 16:19:52 CET 2017

  A few suggestions:

- your "crazy" parameters below, and your statement that

Some issues with my data are that for one of the conditions, the count
of Ges was 0 for all subjects. Similarly, for some subjects, the count
for Ges  was 0 across all conditions.

 suggest that you have an issue of complete separation (e.g. see
however, the solutions listed there don't currently work in glmmADMB or
glmmTMB ... are you sure you need zero-inflation?  Lots of zeros doesn't
necessarily mean zero-inflation (it could just mean a Poisson/NB with a
very low mean)

  The options I know of for handling complete separation in GLMMs in R
include the blme package (can do anything glmer does, but *not* NB
models - although you could approximate that via a logNormal-Poisson
model); MCMCglmm; and brms.  The latter two can handle zero-inflated
models, but take you into the deep (Bayesian) end of the pool ...

On 17-01-08 09:32 AM, Jennifer Botting wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble running a ZIPGLMM in glmmADMB.  I am comparing the
> number of behaviours exhibited by 12 individuals over 7 conditions. Each
> subject was tested 4 times.
>> str(Dat)
> 'data.frame': 329 obs. of  26 variables:
>  $ Subject      : Factor w/ 12 levels "Baraka","Batang",..: 11 11 11 11 11
> 11 11 11 11 11 ...
>  $ Sex          : Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>  $ History      : Factor w/ 2 levels "HR","MR": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>  $ Session      : int  1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
>  $ Order        : int  3 1 1 4 5 5 5 2 1 2 ...
>  $ Condition    : Factor w/ 7 levels "A ","B","BE",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3
> ...
>  $ Voc: int  0 0 0 0 7 1 5 5 6 3 ...
>  $ Non  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
>  $ Fac       : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
>  $ Ges     : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...
> ...............................
> The data include a very large number of zeros, so I tried the following
> formula in glmmADMB, starting with Ges as my outcome variable:
> *> m <- glmmadmb(formula = Ges ~ Condition + (1 | Subject), data = Dat,
> family = "poisson", zeroInflation = TRUE) *
> and got the following error:
> Parameters were estimated, but standard errors were not: the most likely
> problem is that the curvature at MLE was zero or negative
> Error in glmmadmb(formula = Ges~ Condition + (1 | Subject), data = Dat,  :
>   The function maximizer failed (couldn't find parameter file)
> Troubleshooting steps include (1) run with 'save.dir' set and inspect
> output files; (2) change run parameters: see '?admbControl';(3) re-run with
> debug=TRUE for more information on failure mode
> In addition: Warning message:
> running command 'C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c glmmadmb -maxfn 500 -maxph
> 5 -noinit -shess' had status 1
> When I ran it with debug=TRUE, I got the following output:
> Parameters were estimated, but standard errors were not: the most likely
> problem is that the curvature at MLE was zero or negative
> run failed:  Initial statistics: 7 variables; iteration 0; function
> evaluation 0; phase 1 Function value  3.7639324e+002; maximum gradient
> component mag  1.2938e+001 Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value
>  Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   1  0.00000  1.2938e+001 |  2
>  0.00000  9.7086e-001 |  3  0.00000  1.6197e+000   4  0.00000 -2.6734e+000
> |  5  0.00000 -5.9309e-002 |  6  0.00000 -2.6798e+000   7  0.00000
> -4.9402e-001 |   - final statistics: 7 variables; iteration 7; function
> evaluation 10 Function value  3.2460e+002; maximum gradient component mag
> -8.0580e-005 Exit code = 1;  converg criter  1.0000e-004 Var   Value
>  Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   1
> -7.41263  1.8275e-006 |  2 -0.58080  3.4938e-005 |  3 -0.99038  1.6835e-005
>   4  1.59079  8.0028e-005 |  5  0.06984  3.2566e-005 |  6  1.63706
> -8.0580e-005   7  0.32457  7.7648e-005 |  Initial statistics: 8 variables;
> iteration 0; function evaluation 0; phase 2 Function value  3.2460159e+002;
> maxi... <truncated>
> Error in glmmadmb(formula = Ges ~ Condition + (1 | Subject), data = Dat,  :
>   The function maximizer failed (couldn't find parameter file)
> Troubleshooting steps include (1) run with 'save.dir' set and inspect
> output files; (2) change run parameters: see '?admbControl';(3) re-run with
> debug=TRUE for more information on failure mode
> In addition: Warning message:
> running command 'C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c glmmadmb -maxfn 500 -maxph
> 5 -noinit -shess' had status 1
> restored working directory to I:/xxxxx
> removed temp directory
> C:\Users\BO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpiwJxjv\glmmADMB12a03acd7a0c
> I tried adding another fixed effect and the model ran, but gave crazy
> values for the condition levels:
> Call:
> glmmadmb(formula = Ges ~ Condition + History + (1 | Subject),
>     data = Dat, family = "poisson", zeroInflation = TRUE)
> AIC: 257.9
> Coefficients:
>              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept)    -91.28   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> ConditionB      89.63   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> ConditionBE     88.69   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> ConditionEYC    91.28   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> ConditionF      90.54   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> ConditionFE     91.17   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> ConditionHA     89.59   91007.00    0.00    0.999
> HistoryMR       -2.48       1.02   -2.43    0.015 *
> ---
> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> Number of observations: total=329, Subject=12
> Random effect variance(s):
> Group=Subject
>             Variance StdDev
> (Intercept)    1.837  1.355
> Zero-inflation: 0.15369  (std. err.:  0.13609 )
> Log-likelihood: -118.968
> Warning message:
> In .local(x, sigma, ...) :
>   'sigma' and 'rdig' arguments are present for compatibility only: ignored
> I tried changing some controls that people had suggested online, such as
>  *admb.opts=admbControl(shess=FALSE,noinit=FALSE)*
> but this didn't work with my model.
> Some issues with my data are that for one of the conditions, the count of
> Ges was 0 for all subjects. Similarly, for some subjects, the count for Ges
> was 0 across all conditions.
> I'd be extremely grateful if you had any advice.
> Jenny
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