[R-sig-ME] Back-transformation of Poisson model

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 22:38:11 CET 2016

   Please do submit an issue.

   Thinking about marginalizing predictions opens up a lot of questions:

   - marginalize by taking the mean of random samples?
   - by doing numerical integration?
   - by using the delta method?  (one might be able to use higher-order 
terms to reduce error ...)

On 16-03-15 02:27 PM, Mollie Brooks wrote:
> Thanks Jarrod,
> You’re right that the exp(Xb + 0.5v) correction for Jensen’s
> inequality is better in a model with more levels of the random
> effect. For 10,000 groups and 100 observations per group, it has
> about 10% error. I couldn’t do a ton of replicates because it’s slow.
> I rewrote the simple example (below) in case other people want to
> play around with it.
> I think the answer to Q2 may be that predict.merMod does not
> marginalize over random effects to get predictions on the response
> scale. A lot of people don’t realize this, so I might add an issue
> about documentation to the lme4 github page, unless the authors chime
> in.
> cheers, Mollie
> library(lme4)
> # simulate Poisson data with random intercept ng=100 #number of
> groups dat=data.frame(group=paste0('g', rep(1:ng, each=100)))
> x=rnorm(ng, mean=5, sd=2) dat$y = rpois(nrow(dat),
> exp(x[dat$group])) mean(dat$y)
> # fit model m1=glmer(y ~ (1 | group), family = poisson, dat)
> #dat$obs=1:nrow(dat) #m2=glmer(y ~ (1 | group) + (1|obs), family =
> poisson, dat)
> #estract estimates summary(m1) exp(fixef(m1)+
> 0.5*VarCorr(m1)$group[1])#from MCMCglmm Coursenotes p.46
> nd=data.frame(group=paste0('g', -5:-1)) #add new levels
> str(predict(m1, newdata=nd, type="response", re.form=NULL,
> allow.new.levels=TRUE)) str(predict(m1, newdata=nd, type="response",
> re.form=NA, allow.new.levels=TRUE)) str(predict(m1, newdata=nd,
> type="response", re.form=NA)) str(predict(m1, type="response",
> re.form=NA))
> mean(exp(coef(m1)[[1]][,1])) ------------------------ Mollie Brooks,
> PhD Postdoctoral Researcher, Population Ecology Research Group
> Department of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies,
> University of Zürich http://www.popecol.org/team/mollie-brooks/
>> On 14Mar 2016, at 21:04, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Mollie,
>> In simple models it is the sum of the variance components, although
>> with things such as random regression it gets a bit more
>> complicated.  For log-link Poisson models the mean is simply the
>> mean of a log-normal. For logit models there is not an anlytical
>> solution, and the approximation in the CourseNotes I certainly got
>> from somewhere but can't now remember where from: somebody else has
>> pointed out that my McCulloch & Searle citation does not have the
>> relevant material so I will try and hunt down where the result
>> comes from.
>> I think the deviation of your predicted and actual mean arises
>> because of sampling error in the intercept/variance. The mean of an
>> exponentiated sum of two normals will be larger than the
>> exponentiated sum of the means of two normals. Consequently an
>> unbiased estimator of the intercept and variance would lead to an
>> upwardly biased estimator of the data-scale mean. Not sure about
>> this though! Perhaps see if the predicted and actual mean become
>> closer if you up the number of random effect levels (and so the
>> intercept/variance become more precisely estimated).
>> Regarding Q2 I'm also not sure. In predict.MCMCglmm you can
>> specifiy the random effects you want to marginalise over, but I
>> *think* this is not implemented in lme4?
>> Cheers,
>> Jarrod
>> On 14/03/2016 16:34, Mollie Brooks wrote:
>>> Hi R-sig-mixed, I found the below discussion of
>>> back-transformations from the log scale and the same formula is
>>> on page 46 of the MCMCglmm course notes pdf (version June 20,
>>> 2015). I can’t find a copy of the cited book McCulloch CE, Searle
>>> SR (2001) or any other source for this information. I have one
>>> point that I’m still wondering about…should v, the sum of the
>>> variance components, include residual error in any model, i.e.
>>> not just residual error that is part of an observation-level
>>> random effect for over-dispersed models? In the following
>>> example, the formula, exp(Xb+0.5*v) seems to be giving me an
>>> estimate that is consistently higher than my population mean. So
>>> adding the residual variance will make it even worse. Is this
>>> normal? Now for the R-specific part of the question... is there a
>>> version of predict.merMod that gives the the predictions on the
>>> response scale averaged over possible realizations of the random
>>> effects, i.e. marginalized with respect to the random effects? I
>>> can’t get any predictions close to the observed mean in the
>>> following example. I expected that a new level of the random
>>> effect would be given a marginalized prediction. Maybe this could
>>> be added to the documentation. thanks, Mollie
>>> library(lme4)
>>> # simulate Poisson data with random intercept set.seed(11)
>>> dat=data.frame(group=paste0('g', rep(1:10, each=100)))
>>> x=rnorm(10, mean=5,sd=2) dat$y = rpois(nrow(dat),
>>> exp(x[dat$group])) mean(dat$y)#observed mean
>>> # fit model m1=glmer(y ~ (1 | group), family = poisson, dat)
>>> #estract estimates str(predict(m1,  type="response",
>>> re.form=NA)) exp(fixef(m1)+ 0.5*VarCorr(m1)$group[1])#from
>>> MCMCglmm Coursenotes p.46 #not very close to the mean
>>> nd=data.frame(group=paste0('g', -5:-1)) #add new levels
>>> str(predict(m1, newdata=nd, type="response", re.form=NULL,
>>> allow.new.levels=TRUE)) str(predict(m1, newdata=nd,
>>> type="response", re.form=NA, allow.new.levels=TRUE))
>>> str(predict(m1, newdata=nd, type="response", re.form=NA))
>>> str(predict(m1, type="response", re.form=NA))
>>> mean(exp(coef(m1)[[1]][,1]))#only number close to the observed
>>> mean
>>>> ----- Forwarded message from j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
>>>> <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models>
>>>> ----- Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 18:38:06 +0000 From: Jarrod
>>>> Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
>>>> <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models>>
>>>> Reply-To: Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
>>>> <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models>>
>>>> Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] Back-transformation of Poisson model
>>>> To: "Kardynal,Kevin [Yel]" <Kevin.Kardynal at EC.gc.ca
>>>> <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models>>
>>>> Dear Kevin,
>>>> You will have to exponentiate the output from predict.
>>>> It is worth noting there are three types of prediction (on the
>>>> data-scale) you could make:
>>>> a) exp(Xb) b) exp(Xb+Zu) c) int exp(Xb)du assuming the u's are
>>>> iid.
>>>> X - fixed effect design matrix  b - fixed effects Z - random
>>>> effect design matrix  u - fixed effects
>>>> You have done the first, but this can be very different from c,
>>>> which is what I expect you want: the predictions averaged over
>>>> possible realisations of the random effects.
>>>> To obtain c use exp(Xb+0.5*v)
>>>> where v is the sum of the variance components. If you use
>>>> additive over-dispersed models you want to include the
>>>> "residual" variance in v, also.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jarrod
>>>> Quoting "Kardynal,Kevin [Yel]" <Kevin.Kardynal at EC.gc.ca
>>>> <https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models>>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'd like to know if predicted values from  a Poisson mixed
>>>>> model require back-transformation to get the 'real' predicted
>>>>> values or if this is done automatically? I assume that the
>>>>> predicted values are already back-transformed since my
>>>>> results are similar to the annual means.
>>>>> My model for estimating bird trends in lme4 is as such:
>>>>> lme3<-lmer(Abundance ~ Year +  (1|Observer) +
>>>>> (1|Site/Station), data=SWTH, family = poisson(link=log))
>>>>> I then took the coefficients from the mixed model and used
>>>>> them in a GLM to derive the predicted values. dd
>>>>> <-fixef(lme3) # gives coefficients
>>>>> lme_glmDEY <- glm(Abundance ~ Year, data=SWTH, family =
>>>>> poisson(link = log)) # for poisson distribution
>>>>> lme_glmDEY$coefficients <- dd
>>>>> # create a data set of predicted values pred <-
>>>>> as.data.frame(predict(lme_glmDEY, SWTH , "response",
>>>>> se.fit=T)) pred_val <- as.data.frame(cbind(SWTH,pred))
>>>>> So, do I have to perform a back-transformation on the
>>>>> predicted values (ie., using exp())?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Kevin
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>>>> -- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered
>>>> in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>>> ------------------------ Mollie Brooks, PhD Postdoctoral
>>> Researcher, Population Ecology Research Group Department of
>>> Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of
>>> Zürich http://www.popecol.org/team/mollie-brooks/
>>> <http://www.popecol.org/team/mollie-brooks/> [[alternative HTML
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