[R-sig-ME] glmer error (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate)

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 17:16:53 CET 2016


On 16-02-19 01:37 PM, moses selebatso wrote:
> Hello
> I am running a model on my data, and getting error message. Below is the script and the out put. Any ideas what the problem could be? I can share the data, if required.
>> b<-read.csv("clipboard",sep="\t")
>> attach(b)
>> modelb<-glmer(Biomass1~Habitat+Season + (1|Location/Replica), family=Gamma)
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-429094; mu inv=-2.33049e-006; wt=1; y/mu=-9.4152e-005; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-858187; mu inv=-1.16525e-006; wt=1; y/mu=-4.7076e-005; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-1.71637e+006; mu inv=-5.82624e-007; wt=1; y/mu=-2.3538e-005; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-3.43275e+006; mu inv=-2.91312e-007; wt=1; y/mu=-1.1769e-005; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-6.8655e+006; mu inv=-1.45656e-007; wt=1; y/mu=-5.8845e-006; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-1.3731e+007; mu inv=-7.28279e-008; wt=1; y/mu=-2.94225e-006; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-2.7462e+007; mu inv=-3.6414e-008; wt=1; y/mu=-1.47112e-006; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-5.4924e+007; mu inv=-1.8207e-008; wt=1; y/mu=-7.35562e-007; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-1.09848e+008; mu inv=-9.10349e-009; wt=1; y/mu=-3.67781e-007; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-2.19696e+008; mu inv=-4.55175e-009; wt=1; y/mu=-1.83891e-007; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> (bG) nan @ pos 12: y= 40.4; mu=-4.39392e+008; mu inv=-2.27587e-009; wt=1; y/mu=-9.19453e-008; log(y/mu) =1.#QNAN
> Error: (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate
> Thank you,
> Mose

When using `lme4` to fit GLMMs with link functions that do not 
automatically constrain the response to the allowable range of the 
distributional family (e.g. binomial models with a log link, where the 
estimated probability can be >1, or inverse-Gamma models, where the 
estimated mean can be negative), it is not unusual to get the error
PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate
This occurs because `lme4` doesn't do anything to constrain the 
predicted values, so `NaN` values pop up, which aren't handled 
gracefully. If possible, switch to a link function to one that 
constrains the response (e.g. logit link for binomial or log link for 


This also serves as an advertisement for the updated version of the GLMM 
FAQ, which I have rewritten in R markdown and am in the process of 
moving from wikidot.com to Github. For the rendered HTML, see


For the source, see 

Suggestions and corrections (particularly in the form of pull requests, 
but also in the form of issues 
<https://github.com/bbolker/mixedmodels-misc/issues>) welcome ...

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