[R-sig-ME] Specifying a model with a link function in MCMCglmm

Jarrod Hadfield j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
Fri Feb 19 08:27:53 CET 2016

Hi Sam,

Priors for covariance matrices are tricky but having nu=k (where k is 
the dimension of the matrix) is not a good idea. I tend to use parameter 
expanded priors of the form

list(V=diag(k), nu=k, alpha.mu=rep(0,k), alpha.V=diag(k)*1000)

The marginal priors for the variances are scaled F(1,1), but I'm not 
sure what they are for the covariances/correlation. For correlations I 
think it would be flatish but with peaks close to -1 and 1. Upping 
nu=k+2 probably makes the marginal prior for the correlation close to 
uniform over the -1/1 interval. Unfortunatley there seems to be little 
or no theoretical work on this prior in a multivariate context: I use it 
because it *seems* to have nice properties. For exampe, if I fitted a 
set of random effects which in reality are all zero, then it gives 
posterior support for the correlation across the range -1/1.

I would also add that I don't attempt to fit k>2 covariance matrices 
unless my data are up to the task.



Ve<-rIW(diag(k), 10)
y<-MASS::mvrnorm(100, rep(0,k), Ve)

#  the data are simply y~MVN(0, Ve)

my_data<-data.frame(y1=y[,1], y2=y[,2], rfac=rfac)

prior1<-list(R=list(V=diag(k), nu=0), G=list(G1=list(V=diag(k), nu=k, 
alpha.mu=rep(0,k), alpha.V=diag(k)*1000)))

m1<-MCMCglmm(cbind(y1,y2)~trait-1, random=~us(trait):rfac, 
rcov=~us(trait):units, data=my_data, prior=prior1,family=rep("gaussian", k))

hist(m1$VCV[,2]/sqrt(m1$VCV[,1]*m1$VCV[,4]), breaks=30)
# posterior correlation of the random effects: nice

prior2<-list(R=list(V=diag(k), nu=0), G=list(G1=list(V=diag(k), nu=k)))

m2<-MCMCglmm(cbind(y1,y2)~trait-1, random=~us(trait):rfac, 
rcov=~us(trait):units, data=my_data, prior=prior2,family=rep("gaussian", k))

hist(m2$VCV[,2]/sqrt(m2$VCV[,1]*m2$VCV[,4]), breaks=30)
# bad - look at the variances too!

On 18/02/2016 17:57, Sam H wrote:
> Thanks for your response Jarrod! Regarding the prior specification, I 
> forgot to mention the reason I did that. Originally I specified the 
> model with no prior, but it kept failing just before the 1000th 
> iteration with the error message "ill-conditioned G/R structure". I 
> was not very sure what to do since I don't really have any estimates 
> to use for a prior, so I figured I would just use estimates produced 
> by lmer. Should I just set the G structure to an identity matrix, or 
> does it not really matter since nu is high?
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:48 AM, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk 
> <mailto:j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk>> wrote:
>     Hi Sam,
>     Each distribution has a fixed link function in MCMCglmm, and an
>     inverse link function for a Gaussian response would be hard to
>     implement.
>     Also, using a REML estimate as a prior, and then having quite a
>     strong degree of belief parameter is a bit odd. Many, including
>     myself, would consider this double-dipping.
>     Cheers,
>     Jarrod
>     On 17/02/2016 22:26, Sam H wrote:
>         Hello all,
>         Before jumping into my question, let me first briefly explain
>         my model to
>         give context. Here is how I currently have specified the model
>         using
>         MCMCglmm, first specifying a model in lmer and extracting the
>         variance
>         estimates for my G prior:
>         full_lmer <- lmer(RT ~ AgeGroup*cue*cong + (cue + cong|PID),
>         data =
>         vsdataset)
>         sigma2 <- sigma(full_lmer)^2
>         Lambda <- getME(full_lmer, "Lambda")
>         Sigma <- sigma2*tcrossprod(Lambda)
>         Gmer <- Sigma[1:4,1:4] #Extracting the VCV parameters from the
>         block
>         diagonalized Sigma
>         full_mcmc <- MCMCglmm(RT ~ AgeGroup*cue*cong, random = ~us(1 +
>         cue +
>         cong):PID, thin = 10, nitt = 20000, data = vsdataset, prior =
>         list(G =
>         list(G1 = list(V = diag(diag(Gmer)), nu = 5))))
>         Note: I used V = diag(diag(Gmer)) due to the fact that
>         Sigma/Gmer was not
>         positive definite, which MCMCglmm would not accept.
>         Quick explanation of model terms:
>         RT --> response time in msec, very positively skewed even
>         after outlier
>         removal, inverse transform seems to center it
>         AgeGroup --> 2 level factorial var (Old and Young,
>         between-subjects)
>         cue --> 3 level factorial var (within-subjects)
>         cong --> 2 level factorial var (within-subjects)
>         PID --> participant ID number
>         I want to specify this model with an inverse/reciprocal link
>         function
>         (Gaussian family). However, I can't figure out how to specify
>         the link
>         function. In the help section for the MCMCglmm function, they
>         mention a
>         "linking.function" for the random effects terms, but it
>         doesn't seem to
>         have anything to with specifying a link function for the
>         response variable.
>         According to the course notes from the MCMCglmm package,
>         "there are many
>         different types of distribution and link functions and those
>         supported by
>         MCMCglmm can be found in Table 7.1." However, Table 7.1 seems
>         to just list
>         the families and their PDFs, there's no column listing
>         "supported" link
>         functions.
>         So, how do you specify a link function using MCMCglmm? If you
>         can't
>         directly specify a link function, is there something else I
>         need to do such
>         as specifying the prior a certain way, or is it valid to just
>         specify the
>         model as having a gaussian response and leave the mode as I've
>         specified
>         it? After plotting the model, I noticed that several of the
>         parameter
>         distributions were extremely skewed (some left, some right).
>         As a side note, I originally tried two alternatives:
>         1) using lmer with an inverse transform
>         2) using glmer with family = gaussian(link = "inverse") and
>         family =
>         inverse.gaussian(link = "identity")
>         #1 seems problematic due to the fact that I need to convert
>         the response
>         variable units back to the original units, which not only
>         flips any
>         confidence intervals but also makes them uneven. I'm not sure
>         if converting
>         these CI's is even appropriate as they were computed with
>         different
>         units/distribution. I also don't know of any way to validly
>         convert the
>         standard error back since that is certainly not valid once I
>         back-transform.
>         #2 gave me some issues: first, I had to scale down RT by a
>         factor of 1000
>         (from ms to s) when using gaussian(link = "inverse") otherwise
>         I would get
>         an error about the downdated VtV not being positive definite.
>         But after
>         dividing RT by 1000, it was able to continue, but the model
>         did not fully
>         converge (I think the max abs gradient was approximately .02).
>         I decided to
>         rerun the model after changing the contrasts on my variables
>         from the
>         default dummy coding to effect coding (using contr.sum). The
>         same thing
>         happened, except this time the max gradient was a little
>         higher (about
>         .0375) and in addition, I got the "model is nearly
>         unidentifiable" warning
>         due to a large eigenvalue. When I ran the model with
>         inverse.gaussian(link
>         = "identity"), it worked without scaling down RT by 1000 but I
>         a bunch of
>         optimizer warnings so I scaled it down and this time it wasn't
>         able to
>         converge because the max abs gradient value was about .0247.
>         Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
>         - Sam
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