[R-sig-ME] HLM post-hoc power analysis and effect sizes

Julia Velten julia.velten at rub.de
Sat Jan 30 09:26:26 CET 2016

Dear all, 

please excuse me for contacting you with such a "simple" question.

I have used the nlme package to analyze the agreement between different levels of sexual response in women. 

Now, I have just received feedback from peer-reviewers that would like for me to add effect sizes for my multilevel model (2 levels) and conduct a post hoc power analysis. 

Maybe you can help me with that: 

1. Are you familiar with an R-package for calculating HLM effect sizes and/or a post-hoc power analysis?

2. Do you think that it is a useful or appropriate suggestion from the reviewer to add these data to my paper?

Thank you very much for your support. 

Kind regards from Germany, 
Julia Velten  

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