[R-sig-ME] Mixed model predictions using sim

Vincent Dorie vjd4 at nyu.edu
Wed Dec 9 22:06:28 CET 2015

Hi Tom,

If I'm following you correctly, the difference is due to the inclusion of
uncertainty in the slope term which is not present in the term for open !=
0. The quantiles are actually identical if you omit the signif call.

A more accurate representation of uncertain for new observations might be
to use the posterior predictive distribution. This can be obtained by
adding some rnorm using the sample of sigma (assuming that you were
interested in observations in a new group).


On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 5:18 AM, Tom Wilding <Tom.Wilding at sams.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear Mailing list
> I'm using lme4 to conduct mixed models and then, in accordance with
> several authors I'm using the library 'arm' to simulate from that model to
> generate confidence intervals for my parameter estimates (see
> Korner-Nievergelt, F. et al ., 2015. Bayesian data analysis in ecology
> using linear models with R, BUGS and Stan. Elsevier).
> I would like to know more about the relationship between the Credible
> Intervals (CrI) and the Confidence Intervals (2.5,50 and 97.5% quantiles)
> generated from model predictions.  I'm particularly interested to know why
> the Credible Intervals (given in 'CrI.MLexamp.9' below), for values of the
> intercept (i.e. when the predictor is zero) are reflected very accurately
> in the quantiles from the Predictions ('MLexamp.9.Pred' as below) yet there
> is a discrepancy between values predicted by the CrI and the 95% CI
> quantiles from the Predictions at, e.g., 60 units of 'open' in the example
> below.  How does one move between the CrI to the model predictions?  Why
> the difference?  (In my real example, the discrepancy is more meaningful).
> The data (thanks) I've used in this example is from:
> http://jaredknowles.com/journal/2013/11/25/getting-started-with-mixed-effect-models-in-r
> Any pointers would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Tom
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The following script might take 30 seconds to run...
> library(lme4)
> library(arm)
> lmm.data=read.table("
> http://www.unt.edu/rss/class/Jon/R_SC/Module9/lmm.data.txt",
>                        header = TRUE, sep = ",", na.strings = "NA", dec =
> ".", strip.white = TRUE)
> MLexamp.9=lmer(extro ~ open  + (1 + open | school/class),
>                   data = lmm.data)
> #summary(MLexamp.9)
> nsim=20000
> MLexamp.9.sim=sim (MLexamp.9,n.sim=nsim); #
> colnames(MLexamp.9.sim at fixef)=names(fixef(MLexamp.9))<mailto:
> MLexamp.9.sim at fixef)=names(fixef(MLexamp.9))>
> #generate CrIs.
> CrI.MLexamp.9=as.data.frame(signif(apply(MLexamp.9.sim at fixef
> ,2,quantile,prob=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)),5))
> MLexamp.9.Pred=data.frame(open=c(0,20,40,60))#realistic values and zero.
> MLexamp.9.Pred.Matrix=model.matrix(~open,data=MLexamp.9.Pred)
> MLexamp.9.Pred$fit=(MLexamp.9.Pred.Matrix%*%fixef(MLexamp.9))#
> fitmat=matrix(nrow=nrow(MLexamp.9.Pred),ncol=nsim)#
> for(i in 1:nsim) fitmat[,i]=(MLexamp.9.Pred.Matrix%*%MLexamp.9.sim at fixef
> [i,])#
> MLexamp.9.Pred$LowerCI=apply(fitmat,1,quantile,prob=0.025)
> MLexamp.9.Pred$Middle=apply(fitmat,1,quantile,prob=0.500)
> MLexamp.9.Pred$UpperCI=apply(fitmat,1,quantile,prob=0.975)
> CrI.MLexamp.9
> MLexamp.9.Pred
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