[R-sig-ME] Model Validation with glmmADMB

Mondain-Monval, Thomas t.mondain-monval at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Nov 5 17:23:24 CET 2015


I am pretty new to mixed effects models and am using glmmADMB to analyse some bird reproductive success data. I have decided to use a hurdle model as I have a lot of true zeros in my dataset. I'm using the glmmadmb function with "truncnbinom2" as the family to analyse the non-zero part of the data first. However, now that I have my model and want to do validate it, I have run into a problem. When I call the residuals for the model all I get is a column of NAs with no actual values. All the model validation techniques I have previously used require residuals to do them, e.g. residuals vs fitted, residuals vs explanatory variables etc. What other validation techniques can you suggest? Or is there a way of getting residuals out of the model?

This is my full model:
non0ri<-glmmadmb(fledging.number~scnest.depth*scbrood.number + (1 | colony/burrow.code),
                 data=subset(no.na, fledging.number>0))

Where fledging number is subsetted to only include non-zero data.

And I used residuals(non0ri) to try and get the residuals.

I hope you can help.

Thank you and best wishes,


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