[R-sig-ME] Model is nearly unidentifiable with lmer

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 02:18:38 CEST 2015

Short answer: try rescaling all of your continuous variables.  It
can't hurt/will change only the interpretation.  If you get the same
log-likelihood with the rescaled variables, that indicates that the
large eigenvalue was not actually a problem in the first place.

   I don't think the standard citation from the R citation file
<https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lme4/citation.html>, or the
book chapter I wrote recently (chapter 13 of Fox et al, Oxford
University Press 2015 -- online supplements at
cover rescaling in much detail. Schielzeth 2010
doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00012.x gives a coherent argument about
the interpretive advantages of scaling.

   Ben Bolker

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Chunyun Ma <mcypsy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is my first post in the mailing list.
> I have been running some model with lmer and came across this warning
> message:
> In checkConv(attr(opt, “derivs”), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
> Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
>    - Rescale variables?
> Here is the formula of my model (I substituted variables names with generic
> names):
> y ~ Intercept + Xc + Xd1 + Xd2 + Xc:Xd1 + Xc:Xd2 + Zd + Zd:Xc + Zd:Xd1 +
> Zd:Xd2 + (1 + Xc + Xd1 + Xd2 | sub)
> Xc: continuous var
> Xd: level-1 dummy variable(s)
> Zd: level-2 dummy variable
> A snapshot of data. I can also provide the full dataset if necessary.
> sub Xc Xd1 Xd2 Zd y 1 36 0 0 1 1346 1 45 0 1 1 1508 1 72 1 0 1 1246 1 12 1 0
> 1 1164 1 24 1 0 1 1295 1 36 1 0 1 1403
> When I reduced the # of random effect to (1+Xc|sub), the warning message
> disappeared, but the model fit became poorer.
> My question is: which variable(s) should I rescale? I’d be happy to
> better understand t
> he
> warning message if anyone could
> kindly
> suggest
> some
>  reference paper/book.
> Thank you very for your help!!
> Chunyun
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