[R-sig-ME] Interpreting lmer() interactions with Helmert contrasts

Becky Gilbert beckyannegilbert at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 15:23:46 CEST 2015

Hi Paul/List,

After thinking about this a bit more, I don't think planned comparisons
gives me what I'm looking for.  I want to know whether the effect of Time
is different for WordType = 0 (level 1) vs the other two levels combined -
this is WordType contrast 1.  I also want to know whether the effect of
Time is different for WordType = 1 vs WordType = 2 (i.e. level 2 vs level
3) - this is WordType contrast 2.

I think the use of planned comparisons here would defeat the purpose of my
contrasts, but maybe I'm missing something?



Dr Becky Gilbert

On 21 August 2015 at 13:46, Becky Gilbert <beckyannegilbert at gmail.com>

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks very much for the suggestion!  I tried using lsmeans() to get the
> pairwise comparisons as you suggested, and the results are below.
> I'm a little confused by the results because the pairwise comparison tests
> all show p > .05, but the WordType x Time interaction was significant when
> tested via model comparisons...?  I think this might be due to the Tukey
> adjustment for multiple comparisons, but I'm not sure.  Specifically the
> contrast for the two levels of Time at WordType = 2 looks like it might
> have been significant before the multiple comparisons correction, thus
> accounting for the significance of the interaction term in model
> comparisons.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks again!
> Becky
> $lsmeans
> WordType = 0:
>  Time   lsmean         SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
>  -1       2.880592 0.02209390 21.58 2.834721 2.926464
>  1        2.887315 0.02144245 22.13 2.842860 2.931769
> WordType = 1:
>  Time   lsmean         SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
>  -1       2.856211 0.02156603 19.78 2.811193 2.901229
>  1        2.888640 0.02089339 20.17 2.845080 2.932200
> WordType = 2:
>  Time   lsmean         SE    df lower.CL upper.CL
>  -1       2.852485 0.02181905 20.72 2.807072 2.897898
>  1        2.893827 0.02113775 21.12 2.849883 2.937770
> Confidence level used: 0.95
> $contrasts
> WordType = 0:
>  contrast    estimate         SE    df t.ratio p.value
>  -1 - 1   -0.00672255 0.02078469 19.31  -0.323  0.7498
> WordType = 1:
>  contrast    estimate         SE    df t.ratio p.value
>  -1 - 1   -0.03242907 0.02097452 20.02  -1.546  0.1377
> WordType = 2:
>  contrast    estimate         SE    df t.ratio p.value
>  -1 - 1   -0.04134141 0.02146707 21.93  -1.926  0.0672
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Becky Gilbert
> On 21 August 2015 at 12:19, paul debes <paul.debes at utu.fi> wrote:
>> Hi Becky,
>> Maybe you are interested in pairwise comparisons? The "lsmeans" package
>> comes in handy.
>> Try something like this:
>> library("pbkrtest") # gives you KW-adjusted denDF for tests, but must be
>> installed
>> library("lsmeans")
>> Model.lmer.means = lsmeans(Model, spec = pairwise ~ WordType|Time)
>> Model.lmer.means = summary(Model.lmer.means)
>> Model.lmer.means
>> Maybe you want the contrast conditional on WordType, not Time? Swap it to:
>> "spec = pairwise ~ Time|WordType"
>> Best,
>> Paul
>> On Fri, 21 Aug 2015 14:04:07 +0300, Becky Gilbert <
>> beckyannegilbert at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>>> I'm wondering if someone could help me interpret an interaction between
>>> two
>>> factors, when one of the factors uses Helmert contrasts?
>>> I ran a linear mixed effects model (lmer) with reaction times as the DV,
>>> 2
>>> fixed factors: Time (2 levels) and Word Type (3 levels), and 2 random
>>> factors: Subjects and Items.  I used Helmert contrasts for the Word Type
>>> factor:
>>> - Contrast 1 = level 1 (Untrained) vs levels 2 & 3 (Trained-related and
>>> Trained-unrelated)
>>> - Contrast 2 = level 2 vs. level 3 (Trained-related vs Trained-unrelated)
>>> The data, contrasts, model, summary and model comparisons are listed at
>>> the
>>> end of the message.
>>> Model comparisons with anova() showed a significant interaction between
>>> Time and Word Type.  However, I don't know how to get the statistics for
>>> the interactions between Time and each Word Type contrast.
>>> Based on the t-values for coefficients in the model summary, it looks
>>> like
>>> the significant Word Type x Time interaction is driven by the interaction
>>> with the 1st contrast for Word Type (t = 2.61).  However I don't think
>>> that
>>> the statistics for the fixed effects coefficients are exactly what I'm
>>> looking forward (they are sequential tests, right?).  And if these are
>>> the
>>> appropriate statistics, I'm aware of the problems with trying to get
>>> p-values from these  estimates.  So is there a way to do likelihood ratio
>>> tests for each Word Type contrast, or some other way of interpreting the
>>> Word Type x Time interaction?
>>> Data structure:
>>>> str(rtData)
>>> 'data.frame': 1244 obs. of  11 variables:
>>>  $ Subject      : Factor w/ 16 levels "AB","AS","AW",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
>>> 1
>>> 1 ...
>>>  $ Item       : Factor w/ 48 levels "ANT","BANDAGE",..: 3 4 6 12 13 14 22
>>> 29 30 34 ...
>>>  $ Response     : int  960 1255 651 1043 671 643 743 695 965 589 ...
>>>  $ Time     : Factor w/ 2 levels "-1","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>>>  $ WordType     : Factor w/ 3 levels "0","1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
>>>  $ logRT        : num  2.98 3.1 2.81 3.02 2.83 ...
>>> contrasts(rtData$Time)
>>>    [,1]
>>> -1  0.5
>>> 1  -0.5
>>> contrasts(rtData$WordType)
>>>         [,1] [,2]
>>> 0  0.6666667  0.0
>>> 1 -0.3333333 -0.5
>>> 2 -0.3333333  0.5
>>> Model:
>>> lmer(logRT ~ 1 + WordType + Time + WordType:Time +
>>>                       (1 + Time|Subject) +
>>>                       (1|Item),
>>>                     data = rtData)
>>> REML criterion at convergence: -2061.2
>>> Scaled residuals:
>>>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
>>> -2.7228 -0.6588 -0.0872  0.5712  3.7790
>>> Random effects:
>>>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
>>>  Item   (Intercept)     0.000933  0.03054
>>>  Subject  (Intercept)  0.004590  0.06775
>>>           Time1            0.005591  0.07478  0.05
>>>  Residual                 0.009575  0.09785
>>> Number of obs: 1244, groups:  Target, 46; Subject, 16
>>> Fixed effects:
>>>                             Estimate     Std. Error   t value
>>> (Intercept)              2.8765116  0.0177527  162.03
>>> WordType1            0.0111628  0.0110852    1.01
>>> WordType2            0.0007306  0.0071519    0.10
>>> Time1                  -0.0268310  0.0195248   -1.37
>>> WordType1:Time1  0.0301627  0.0115349    2.61
>>> WordType2:Time1 -0.0089123  0.0141624   -0.63
>>> Model comparisons with anova() for main effects and interaction:
>>> -full model vs no Word Type x Time interaction
>>>                                Df     AIC     BIC logLik deviance  Chisq
>>> Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
>>> rtModelNoInteraction  9 -2077.5 -2031.3 1047.7  -2095.5
>>> rtModelFull               11 -2080.5 -2024.1 1051.2  -2102.5 7.0388
>>> 2
>>>    0.02962 *
>>> -full model vs model without Time and interaction
>>>                        Df     AIC     BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df
>>> Pr(>Chisq)
>>> rtModelNoTime  8 -2077.8 -2036.7 1046.9  -2093.8
>>> rtModelFull      11 -2080.5 -2024.1 1051.2  -2102.5 8.7424      3
>>>  0.03292 *
>>> -full model vs model without Word Type and interaction
>>>                       Df     AIC     BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df
>>> Pr(>Chisq)
>>> rtModelNoWT  7 -2080.4 -2044.5 1047.2  -2094.4
>>> rtModelFull     11 -2080.5 -2024.1 1051.2  -2102.5 8.0875      4
>>> 0.08842
>>> .
>>> Thanks in advance for any advice!
>>> Becky
>>> ____________________________________________
>>> Dr Becky Gilbert
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>> --
>> Paul Debes
>> DFG Research Fellow
>> University of Turku
>> Department of Biology
>> Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4
>> 20520 Turku
>> Finland

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