[R-sig-ME] Mixed model for count data with overdispersion

Steve Walker steve.walker at utoronto.ca
Mon Aug 10 14:35:29 CEST 2015

An alternative is to use glmer with `family=Poisson` and an 
observation-level random effect.  I only skimmed this paper, but it will 
hopefully put you on to the main idea:



On 2015-08-10 5:27 AM, Mehdi Abedi wrote:
> Thanks Chris for lectures,
> Working with MCMCglmm is like jumping from high school physics to Albert
> Einstein lectures:). Hopefully i can digest this as a ecologist this
> modeling part!
> All the best
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Christopher David Desjardins <
> cddesjardins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You really should read about the MCMCglmm package before just using it.
>> There are a couple of vignettes which I strongly suggest that you read
>> prior to actually using MCMCglmm as they explain a lot.
>> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MCMCglmm/vignettes/Overview.pdf
>> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MCMCglmm/vignettes/CourseNotes.pdf
>> Do note that you need to specify prior distributions or at least
>> understand the default ones.
>> Chris
>> On Aug 10, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Mehdi Abedi <abedimail at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Manabu,
>> It is a bit complicated for me but If i have this data:
>> Parameter: Totalseedling
>> fixed effect: Heatsmoke, cold
>> random effect: plot
>> I should do something like this?!
>> Model1<- MCMCglmm(Totalseedling ~ Heatsmoke *Cold, random =
>> ~Plots,family="poisson", data = growthdata)
>> summary( Model1)
>> It looks i can not get anova() here for output as well?
>> I am not familiar with other details in the MCMCglmm:
>> library( MCMCglmm)
>> Model1<- MCMCglmm(Totalseedling ~ Heatsmoke *Cold, random = ~Plot,
>> + family = "poisson", data = growthdata, prior = prior,
>> + verbose = FALSE, pr = TRUE)
>> Warm regards,
>> Mehdi
>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Manabu Sakamoto <
>> manabu.sakamoto at gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> Dear Mehdi,
>> You can use the function MCMCglmm in the package of the same name,
>> specifying family="poisson". MCMCglmm automatically accounts for over
>> dispersion in count data.
>> best regards,
>> Manabu
>> On 10 August 2015 at 06:54, Mehdi Abedi <abedimail at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I had quick search but it looks there is no simple way in lme4 or  nlme In
>> the case of overdispersion for count data,. How we can run mixed model for
>> count data with family of quasipoisson or maybe NB?
>> I my working on seeding emergence with 2 fixed factor (n=10) and i would
>> like to have my plot as replicate(n=5) as a random.
>> Warm regards,
>> Mehdi
>> --
>> *Mehdi Abedi Department of Range Management*
>> *Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences *
>> *Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) *
>> *46417-76489, Noor*
>> *Mazandaran, IRAN *
>> *mehdi.abedi at modares.ac.ir <Mehdi.abedi at modares.ac.ir>*
>> *Homepage
>> <http://www.modares.ac.ir/en/Schools/nat/Academic_Staff/~mehdi.abedi>*
>> *Tel: +98-122-6253101 *
>> *Fax: +98-122-6253499*
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>> --
>> Manabu Sakamoto, PhD
>> manabu.sakamoto at gmail.com
>> --
>> *Mehdi Abedi Department of Range Management*
>> *Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences *
>> *Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) *
>> *46417-76489, Noor*
>> *Mazandaran, IRAN *
>> *mehdi.abedi at modares.ac.ir <Mehdi.abedi at modares.ac.ir>*
>> *Homepage
>> <http://www.modares.ac.ir/en/Schools/nat/Academic_Staff/~mehdi.abedi>*
>> *Tel: +98-122-6253101 *
>> *Fax: +98-122-6253499*
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