[R-sig-ME] Dependence of Effect Sizes in meta analysis metafor (some statistical theory questions included)

Theodore Lytras thlytras at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 08:50:16 CEST 2015

Στις Σαβ 27 Ιουν 2015 06:05:39 Drwecki, Brian B έγραψε:
> Hello all,
> I apologize for the long post, but I want to be thorough.
> My Goal: To conduct the appropriate mixed-effects (random effects meta
> analysis model+ one fixed effects moderator with two categorical levels)
> meta analysis where 11 of 38 papers/studies present effects for both levels
> of my Fixed Effects moderator (i.e. these 11 studies provide 2 effect sizes
> each =  22 total estimates; each pair of effects is dependent and violates
> assumptions of independence).
[snip, snip]


Maybe you can check package "robumeta" and the associated paper: 

Hedges LV, Tipton E, Johnson MC. Robust variance estimation in meta-regression 
with dependent effect size estimates. Res Synth Method. 2010;1(1):39–65. 

I've recently dealt with a similar meta-analysis situation, with hierarchical 
dependence (multiple effect estimates clustered within the same study), and 
this approach worked well for me.

As a plus, you can have "robumeta" play nice ball with "metafor":


Hope this helps!

Kind regards,

Theodore Lytras

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