[R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm: mix of good and bad eff.samp
rafter sass ferguson
liberationecology at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 16:36:21 CEST 2015
In case any other newbie finds this thread in their searching:
Someone emailed me off-list and suggested going ahead and progressively
ramping up the iterations, and increasing the thin rate and burnin as well.
It worked great. All the model diagnostics I can throw at it are looking
Rafter Sass Ferguson, MS
PhD Candidate | Crop Sciences Department
University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
518 567 7407
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 4:48 PM, rafter sass ferguson <
liberationecology at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about a mix of good and bad effective sample sizes. I've
> read Jarrod's tutorial, course notes, and paper, and googled around
> extensively, and haven't had any luck figuring this out. I'd be grateful
> for any guidance.
> Working with 721 observations, I fit a 2-level model with three Gaussian
> response variables and several fixed effects and interactions. The model
> looks good as far as trace plots and gelman diagnostics go.
> My concern is with the effective sample size. Eff.samp overall and for
> trait:block are quite good (1200, and mostly ~1200 w/ one 920,
> respectively). But for trait:ID and residuals (trait:units) eff.samp is
> terrible - mostly in the 150-200 range.
> I'll post more model details below, but here are my questions:
> • Do I need to worry about the poor eff.samp scores if I'm only interested
> in the fixed effects?
> • If it is a problem, could it be fixed by increasing iterations by a ~10x?
> Here is the model I fit -
> prior2 <- list(R=list(V=diag(3),nu=3),
> G=list(G1=list(V=diag(3), nu=3.02, alpha.mu=rep(0,3),
> alpha.V=1000*diag(3)),
> G2=list(V=diag(3), nu=3.02, alpha.mu=rep(0,3),
> alpha.V=1000*diag(3))
> ) )
> m2b <- MCMCglmm(cbind(professional, relational, practice) ~
> -1 + trait +
> trait:income + trait:age + trait:ethnicity + trait:gender
> + trait:residence + trait:education + trait:HDI +
> trait:Ineq + trait:Enviro + trait:Enviro:gender + trait:Ineq:gender +
> trait:Ineq:ethnicity + trait:Ineq:income,
> random= ~us(trait):block + us(trait):ID, rcov=
> ~us(trait):units,
> family=rep("gaussian",3),
> prior=prior2,
> nitt <- 80000, thin <- 25, burnin <- 50000,
> data=df_sel,
> verbose=TRUE)
> Here is the first part of the model summary:
> Iterations = 50001:79976
> Thinning interval = 25
> Sample size = 1200
> If a full data set will help, let me know and I'll post one.
> Thanks so much for any suggestions!
> Warmly,
> Rafter
> Rafter Sass Ferguson, MS
> PhD Candidate | Crop Sciences Department
> University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
> liberationecology.org
> 518 567 7407
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