[R-sig-ME] Logistic modelling with guessing parameter

Peter Harrison pharr011 at gold.ac.uk
Thu May 7 19:13:54 CEST 2015

Hello everyone,

I'm currently modelling response data for a musical error detection experiment. Participants' responses can either be correct (1) or incorrect (0); the difficulty of the question is predicted by a number of factors, including accuracy (accurate performance -> errors are difficult to detect) and musical piece ("audio_name").

The model I'm fitting is similar to a 3-PL IRT model, with a constrained guessing parameter of 0.5 (i.e. the most difficult questions should be answered with a 50% success rate). However, instead of the normal conception of item difficulty, probability of correct response is given by a linear combination of difficulty-related predictors (such as accuracy and audio_name). Therefore:

probability of correct response = 0.5 + 0.5 / (1 + exp(predictors))

where predictors = e.g. a*accuracy + b*audio_name + c (but with audio_name dummy coded, with different b for each level of audio_name).

I've been using a script kindly posted by Ken Knoblauch back in 2010 (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2010q4/004531.html) to achieve this using lme4, simply changing a few terms to keep it up-to-date with current package versions (see bottom of message for the script). It seems to work fine with "accuracy" as a fixed effect and "p_ID" as a random effect. However, I want to add "audio_name" as a fixed effect, i.e. responses ~ accuracy + audio_name + (1|p_ID). But when I do this, I get the following error message: (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate.

I'm not sure what this error message means, but have been assuming it is talking about a convergence problem. I've tried various things to fix it, including control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa"), control=glmerControl(optimizer="Nelder_Mead"), and nAgQ=3, but none of these have worked.

Would anyone be able to help me with this error message, and what to do about it?

Thanks so much!

Key to data file:

accuracy = accuracy of the music clip (higher accuracy -> question is more difficult) = continuous variable
audio_name = musical piece played = categorical variable (27 levels, coded with text strings)
p_ID = participant ID = categorical variable (229 levels, coded 1:229)
behind_beat = whether clip was behind the beat or not = dichotomous (1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE)


data <- read.csv("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/szq2e2sxwfsuxo6/data.csv", header = TRUE)

mafc.logit <- function (.m = 2)
  .m <- as.integer(.m)
  if (.m < 2)
    stop(".m must be an integer > 1")
  linkfun <- function(mu) {
    mu <- pmax(mu, 1/.m + .Machine$double.eps)
    qlogis((.m * mu - 1)/(.m - 1))
  linkinv <- function(eta) {
    1/.m + (.m - 1)/.m * binomial()$linkinv(eta)
  mu.eta <- function(eta) ((.m - 1)/.m) * binomial()$mu.eta(eta)
  valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
  link <- paste("mafc.logit(", .m, ")", sep = "")
  structure(list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv, mu.eta = mu.eta,
                 valideta = valideta, name = link), class = "link-glm")

mod1 <- glmer(responses ~ accuracy + (1|p_ID), family = binomial(mafc.logit(2)), data=data)

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