[R-sig-ME] glmmADMB

Silvia Rodríguez Fernández sileiris at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 14:50:03 CEST 2015

Dear list members,

I´m a PhD student in trouble. I´m running a mix effects model with a
dependent variable (PA: presence/absence, 0/1), one fixed explanatory and
continuous variable (AL: altitude), one fixed factor (PE: initially 16
levels, but reduced to 4 to reduce complexity) and one random term (2421
sites). Basically, the structure of a logistic regression but with a random
term to prevent temporal pseudoreplication.

> model1<-glmmadmb(PA~PE+AL+(1|site), family="binomial")

My data are quite unbalanced becouse I´ve many more zeros than ones. I´ve
tried making a random selection of absences but I get similar problems than
when using the whole dataset.

I´m getting an output of results in R, but also getting a warning of lack
of convergence, such as:

Convergence failed:log-likelihood of gradient= -0.0195034

Can I trust my results in spite of the warning?

What other alternatives do you suggest?

I´ve tried with the classical lmer and glmer, and I also get convergence
problems as expected.

I´ve also tried with the MCMCglmm package, but I´ve problems with the
specification of the priors.

Any help is welcomed.


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