[R-sig-ME] Weights argument glmmADMB

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 22:00:36 CEST 2015

bbonit at ... <bbonit at ...> writes:

>  Dear list, 
> I'm interested to weights argument option in glmmadmb in glmmADMB package.
> I will use it for propensity score matching (in different
>  methods  i.e IPW) that nowadays is always more
> frequently used.
> Do You think that will be possible?
> Thank You in advance, sorry for noise
> Gianluca Bonitta

  I assume you're asking something like "what are the chances that
weights will be implemented in glmmADMB sometime soon"?

   Unfortunately, pretty small; there's already a fairly large
backlog of maintenance work on glmmADMB (does anyone want to volunteer
to help out??).  

  You may be able to implement your Beta model directly in 
AD Model Builder, or in WinBUGS/JAGS/Stan (or in SAS PROC NLMIXED ... ??)

   Ben Bolker

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