[R-sig-ME] contrast of predicted slopes from MCMCglmm model

Daniel Fulop dfulop.ucd at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 03:32:11 CEST 2015

Hi mixed modelers,

I would like to contrast average slopes using predictions from an LMM 
model fit with MCMCglmm.  In essence I want to do something analogous to 
lsmeans' lstrends() function.  The predicted slopes are growth rates 
...more below.

I have 12 days of plant growth data for 10 closely related species at 2 
temperatures.  There are several individuals per species at each 
temperature, and they're fully randomized.  I want to asses whether each 
species' growth rate differs between temperatures.  What I mean by that 
is that I would like to contrast the average slopes for each species in 
control vs. cold temperature; these slopes are the growth rates.

I am modeling the data in MCMCglmm so I can account for phylogeny and 
also to be able to try multi-response models (to jointly model the stem, 
plastochrons, root, etc).  I am starting out with the stem length data 
and after trying different time dependencies settled on this 3rd degree 
polynomial model:

stemLen ~ poly(day, 3, raw=TRUE) * treatment * species + (1 + day | indiv)

where day is a numeric time variable, treatment a 2 level factor 
(control and cold), and species a 10 level factor.

I have a slight idea of how I would go about contrasting the average 
slopes for each species and that I would use the predict.MCMCglmm() 
function, but I would really appreciate some guidance before I go down 
the wrong the wrong path.

Thanks for your help!

Daniel Fulop, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Dept. Plant Biology, UC Davis
Maloof Lab, Rm. 2220
Life Sciences Addition, One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616

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