[R-sig-ME] extracting p values for main effects of binomial glmm

Tim Meehan tmeeha at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 21:23:27 CET 2015

Some solutions and their drawbacks are discussed here:


On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Megan Kutzer <makutzer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm fairly new to mixed models and have done a lot of reading without much
> success. Unfortunately there is no one at my institution who is really
> familiar with them so I thought I would try this list.
> I'm running a binomial generalized linear mixed effects model and I need
> p-values for the main effects. I know this isn't entirely correct with this
> type of model but my supervisor wants the p-values!
> The model is:
> glmer (Proportion hatched ~ Diet * Infection status * Day + (1|SubjectID) +
> (1|Day), family=binomial)
> where,
> Proportion hatched = cbind(Offspring, Eggs-Offspring)
> Diet is a factor with 2 levels
> Infection status is a factor with 4 levels
> Day is a factor with 3 levels
> Using Subject ID number and Day as random effects is supposed to control
> for pseudoreplication in the model, although I am not entirely sure that
> this is specified in the correct way. I wanted to include experimental
> replicate here too but the model failed to converge.
> My question is: is there a way to get p-values for the main fixed effects
> of Diet, Infection and Day?
> If you need more specific model information or the model output I would be
> happy to provide it.
> Thanks,
> Megan
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