[R-sig-ME] Genetic Algorithm in R

Narahara Chari D dnchariworld at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 8 14:34:58 CET 2015

Hi All,
I am trying to implement Genetic Algorithm based on the request to fill 500 ask based on the inventory. Algorithm should pick optimized combinations based on the rank (low rank inventory should be selected first) and update the inventory after fulfilling the request.

   Inventory Rank
1        200    2
2        150    1
3        300    3
4        100    4
5         50    1
6        250    1
7        350    2
8        100    2
9        250    3
10        25    4
11       125    4
12       100    5
13       225    1
14       220    2
15       150    3

Rastrigin <- function(x1, x2)
    x1*x2 - 500

x1 <- dataGA$Inventory
x2 <- seq(0.01, 1, by = 0.01)

f <- outer(x1, x2, Rastrigin)
GA <- ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = function(x) -Rastrigin(x1, x2),
         min = c(1000, 0.01), max = c(10000000, 1), popSize = 50, maxiter = 100)
summary(GA)I have solutions
|         Genetic Algorithm         |

GA settings: 
Type                  =  real-valued 
Population size       =  50 
Number of generations =  100 
Elitism               =  2 
Crossover probability =  0.8 
Mutation probability  =  0.1 
Search domain 
     x1   x2
Min  25 0.01
Max 350 1.00

GA results: 
Iterations             = 100 
Fitness function value = 498 
Solutions              = 
             x1        x2
[1,]  194.44965 0.3886958
[2,]  191.24609 0.4016915
[3,]  243.08729 0.3699107
[4,]  137.36235 0.4050092
[5,]  177.33917 0.4570788
[6,]  139.32841 0.3755744
[7,]  137.68704 0.3534409
[8,]  156.28470 0.3825039
[9,]  196.84368 0.4089103
[10,]  80.42056 0.3796008
[48,] 183.48574 0.4611285For the ask of 500, I want solutions to be x1[c(2,5,6,13),] and x2[c(2,5,6,13),] with uniqueID which is a row number here.
Or please suggest any other Package/Algorithm combination for this problem,
Thank You,Best Regards,Chari

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