[R-sig-ME] How do I interpret linear mixed model contrast estimates from multcomp::glht()?

Lenth, Russell V russell-lenth at uiowa.edu
Wed Dec 17 19:29:11 CET 2014

What concerns me about this question is that I don't see it expressed what contrasts you WANT. Rather, the focus is on discovering what contrasts are being produced. Surely you have some particular objectives in mind.

I don't know much about the contrast package, but this sort of thing is easy to do in lsmeans. With the model you fitted (by the way there is a warning message when fitting it), suppose you want to see predictions for each 'female' (I'd have named the variable 'sex') for each of the years, when size is 380:

R> library(lsmeans)
R> female.year <- lsmeans(math.lmm, ~ female | year, 
+     at = list(year = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5), size = 380))

Loading required namespace: pbkrtest

R> female.year
year = 0.5:
 female     lsmean         SE    df   lower.CL   upper.CL
 Female -0.3177517 0.08298837 72.58 -0.4831633 -0.1523400
 Male   -0.3224042 0.08328416 73.30 -0.4883778 -0.1564306

year = 1.5:
 female     lsmean         SE    df   lower.CL   upper.CL
 Female  0.4508660 0.08363388 74.80  0.2842516  0.6174805
 Male    0.4462135 0.08390500 75.43  0.2790818  0.6133452

year = 2.5:
 female     lsmean         SE    df   lower.CL   upper.CL
 Female  1.2194837 0.08510503 80.13  1.0501235  1.3888440
 Male    1.2148312 0.08534946 80.67  1.0450019  1.3846605

Confidence level used: 0.95 

### Then if you want to compare the sexes in each year...

R> pairs(female.year)

year = 0.5:
 contrast         estimate         SE      df t.ratio p.value
 Female - Male 0.004652517 0.04245527 1675.57    0.11  0.9128

year = 1.5:
 contrast         estimate         SE      df t.ratio p.value
 Female - Male 0.004652517 0.04245527 1675.57    0.11  0.9128

year = 2.5:
 contrast         estimate         SE      df t.ratio p.value
 Female - Male 0.004652517 0.04245527 1675.57    0.11  0.9128

(same result each year since year doesn't interact with female)

### Or if you prefer using glht to do the testing:

R> summary(as.glht(female.year))

Note: df set to 76
$`year = 0.5`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Linear Hypotheses:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Female == 0 -0.31775    0.08299  -3.829 0.000440
Male == 0   -0.32240    0.08328  -3.871 0.000381
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`year = 1.5`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Linear Hypotheses:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Female == 0  0.45087    0.08363   5.391 1.36e-06
Male == 0    0.44621    0.08390   5.318 1.81e-06
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

$`year = 2.5`

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Linear Hypotheses:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Female == 0  1.21948    0.08511   14.33   <1e-10
Male == 0    1.21483    0.08535   14.23   <1e-10
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

### Or if you want to see the slope of the 'size' trend for each of those years:

R> lstrends(math.lmm, ~ year, var = "size", 
+    at = list(year = c(0.5,1.5,2.5), size = 380))

 year    size.trend           SE    df      lower.CL      upper.CL
  0.5 -0.0003041466 0.0001910213 57.49 -0.0006865890  7.829584e-05
  1.5 -0.0003648159 0.0001921332 58.82 -0.0007492979  1.966618e-05
  2.5 -0.0004254852 0.0001947970 62.12 -0.0008148634 -3.610690e-05

Results are averaged over the levels of: female 
Confidence level used: 0.95

At any rate, the main thing is to figure out what contrasts you want first.


Russell V. Lenth  -  Professor Emeritus
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science   
The University of Iowa  -  Iowa City, IA 52242  USA   
Voice (319)335-0712 (Dept. office)  -  FAX (319)335-3017

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 22:24:57 -0700
From: Matthew Van Scoyoc <scoyoc at gmail.com>
To: Ken Beath <ken.beath at mq.edu.au>
Cc: "r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org"
	<r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org>
Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME] How do I interpret linear mixed model contrast
	estimates from multcomp::glht()?
	<CALx9ERU6pvc79a-aZbE8B=rOzn6h650HyftE989Q=CDPq2DUFw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Thanks Ken and Thierry,

The rows in summary.glht() correspond to the row names of the contrast matrix given in the linfct argument as Thierry stated in my post on r-sig-ecology <http://r-sig-ecology.471788.n2.nabble.com/How-do-I-interpret-linear-mixed-model-contrast-estimates-from-multcomp-glht-td7579236.html#a7579237>
again Thierry). I'm using the contrast function in the contrast package to help compute the contrast matrix. The contrast function from the contrast package produces this...

> # Calculate the contrasts
> cc<-contrast(math.lm, a = list(year = c(.5, 1.5, 2.5), size = 380, 
> female
= levels(egsingle$female)),
+                       b = list(year = c(.5, 1.5, 2.5), size = 800, 
+ female
= levels(egsingle$female)))
> cc
lm model parameter contrast

  Contrast       S.E.                  Lower            Upper
 t        df      Pr(>|t|)
 0.1671791    0.01739038    0.1330889   0.2012694    9.61  7225        0
 0.2148280   0.02235506   0.1710055    0.2586504    9.61  7225        0
 0.2624768   0.03167964    0.2003754   0.3245781    8.29  7225        0
 0.1671791    0.01739038    0.1330889   0.2012694    9.61  7225        0
 0.2148280   0.02235506   0.1710055    0.2586504    9.61  7225        0
 0.2624768   0.03167964    0.2003754   0.3245781    8.29  7225        0

So, how do the rows of the contrast object relate to the coefficients of the mixed or linear model? The summary of *math.lm* produces 5 rows of coefficients...
> summary(math.lm)

lm(formula = math ~ year * size + female, data = egsingle)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-3.5631 -0.7775 -0.0523  0.7183  5.0195

                            Estimate      Std. Error    t value
(Intercept)       -5.590e-01  3.687e-02   -15.163    < 2e-16 ***
year                    8.521e-01   2.391e-02    35.644    < 2e-16 ***
size                   -3.413e-04   4.251e-05    -8.030    1.13e-15 ***
femaleFemale -2.232e-02  2.576e-02    -0.867     0.38624
year:size           -1.135e-04  2.948e-05    -3.849     0.00012 ***

I keep looking at cc$X (what I'm passing to glht() as the contrast matrix in the linfct argument), but my brain starts to melt at this point...
> cc$X
  (Intercept) year size femaleFemale year:size
1           0           0  -420            0                -210
2           0           0  -420            0               -630
3           0           0  -420            0               -1050
4           0           0  -420            0               -210
5           0           0  -420            0               -630
6           0           0  -420            0               -1050
[1] 0 1 2 3 4
[1] "contr.SAS"

This is my first try at mixed models, and it's been several years since my linear regression course that was taught in SAS, so any help is appreciated.


Matthew Van Scoyoc

<mvanscoyoc at aggiemail.usu.edu>https://sites.google.com/site/scoyoc/
Think SNOW!

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