[R-sig-ME] R2 for Negative Binomial calculated with GLMMADMB

Jens Oldeland fbda005 at uni-hamburg.de
Wed Dec 17 16:18:13 CET 2014

Dear List-members,

recently, the R2 calculations for GLMMs invented by Schielzieth and 
Nakagawa 2012 [1] were implemented into the MuMIn package. This is 
incredibly good news, as many colleagues still require R2 to understand 
a model output. I invested 2 weeks in lengthy calculations of about 20 
negative binomial GLMMs using the glmmADMB package. Now, my colleagues 
want the R2 (me too), however, sadly, the MuMIn functions do only work 
for binomial and poisson GLMMS. Further, it seems that the functions do 
not recognize the glmmADMB package but prefer (g)lmer output.

Now my question: Does anybody of you know if this is "easy" to implement 
and if so "how"? I tried to redo the code provided here (actually posing 
the same question) but failed...:

Or does anybody know if in the near future (this year?) it will be 
implemented somewhere?

Is it possible to transform a GLMMADMB object into an lmer object?

Any hints are most welcome,

merry Xmas

[1] Nakagawa, S., & Schielzeth, H. (2013). A general and simple method 
for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models./Methods 
in Ecology and Evolution/,/4/(2), 133-142.

Dr. Jens Oldeland

Post-Doc Researcher & Lecturer @ BEE
Managing Editor - Biodiversity & Ecology

Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution of Plants (BEE)
Biocentre Klein Flottbek and Botanical Garden
University of Hamburg
Ohnhorststr. 18
22609 Hamburg,

Tel:    0049-(0)40-42816-407
Fax:    0049-(0)40-42816-543
Mail: 	jens.oldeland at uni-hamburg.de
         Oldeland at gmx.de 	
Skype:	jens.oldeland

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