[R-sig-ME] interpretation variance-covariance estimates with gaussian and censored exponential

Van Dongen Stefan stefan.vandongen at uantwerpen.be
Thu Nov 27 11:45:09 CET 2014

Hi All,

I am currently running a multivariate animal model which has 3 normally distributed responses and one time-to-event (longevity) response. For the fixed effects part, the estimated slopes for associations with longevity reflects changes or ratio's in hazards (i.e., positive estimate = shorter longevity), but how should I interpret the covariances/correlations in the variance covariance matrices (genetic and environmental)? Correlations with hazards or survival-times?

many thanks


Prof. Dr. Stefan Van Dongen
Evolutionary Ecology - Department of Biology - University of Antwerp (http://www.ua.ac.be/eveco)
StatUA Statistics Center, University of Antwerp (http://www.ua.ac.be/statua)
Groenenborgerlaan 171 - B-2020 Antwerp - Belgium

room V324b, building V, campus Groenenborger
Tel: + 32 3 265 33 36
Fax: + 32 3 265 34 74

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