[R-sig-ME] Multiple post hoc comparisons in MCMCglmm

Eric Michel emichel at CFR.MsState.Edu
Fri Nov 14 20:02:24 CET 2014

I am running a full animal model in MCMCglmm and am able to get the model to run; however, I am having issues with outputting some post hoc comparisons. My data is organized the following way: I have two generations of animals (F1 and F2) from three populations (a, b and c) and animals fall into five age categories (birth, weaning, 1, 2 and 3-year-olds). I need to compare morphometrics such as body mass among the three populations within a generation at a specific age (e.g., body mass of an F1 animal from population a at age 1 vs body mass of an F1 animal from population b at age 1) as well as make comparisons within regions between generations at specific ages (e.g., body mass of an F1 animal from population a at age 1 vs body mass of an F2 animal from population a at age 1).

I have been trying to find information on whether I can run a Tukey's HSD post hoc test or a Wald test with MCMCglmm although I am not certain whether a Wald test is appropriate. Any information would be great!


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