[R-sig-ME] Proportional Error model in nlme using weights

Farkad Ezzet ezzet001 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 15:02:33 CET 2014



I am wondering if the mixed-model community have suggestions to solve the
following problem: 

nlme in R fails when specifying an error model using "weights= varPower()".
Other error specifications, e.g. varExp and varConstPower also fail. It
seems that implementation of nlme in R is the culprit, since these error
models work perfectly fine using nlme in Splus. Here is a simple example
that attempts to model Pharmacokinetic data generated by simulation using a
one compartment intravenous dose. The code runs and estimates parameters
correctly in Splus, but it fails in R producing the error message "Error in
nlme.formula(conc ~ comp1.iv(ke * exp(eta.ke), v * exp(eta.v),  : step
halving factor reduced below minimum in PNLS step". 


Here is the code in R:




comp1.iv =

  function(ke, v, dose, time)


    (dose/v) * exp(- ( ke * time ) ) 



# function to simulate data

comp1.iv.Data = function(nsub, ke, v, cv.ke, cv.v, cv.error, d1, d2, time,




  nsub0 <- nsub

  sub0   <- 1:nsub0

  time0 <- time

  dose0 <- dose


  eta.ke <- rnorm(nsub0,0,cv.ke)

  eta.v  <- rnorm(nsub0,0,cv.v)


  ke0 <- ke * exp(eta.ke)

  v0  <- v  * exp(eta.v)


  nobsid <- length(time0)*length(dose0)

  sub <- rep(sub0, each=nobsid)

  nobs   <- nobsid*nsub0

  time <- rep(time0,length(dose0)*nsub0)

  dose <- rep(rep(dose0, each=length(time0)),nsub0)


  ke <- rep(ke0, each=nobsid)

  v  <- rep(v0 , each=nobsid)


  x0 <- comp1.iv(ke,v,dose,time)


  conc <- x0 + (d1 + d2*x0) * rnorm(length(x0),0,cv.error)


  D = data.frame(id=sub, dose=dose, time= time, ke=ke, v=v, x0=x0,conc=conc)

  D = groupedData(conc~time| id, data =D)


} # end of comp1.iv.Data


# create data set with different error models

time = c(0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10, 12,18, 24)

dose = c(5)


iv.D1   = comp1.iv.Data(nsub=24,ke=.1, v=4,cv.ke=.1, cv.v=.1,
cv.error=0.1,d1=1, d2=0, time, dose) # additive

iv.D2   = comp1.iv.Data(nsub=24,ke=.1, v=4,cv.ke=.1, cv.v=.1,
cv.error=0.1,d1=0, d2=1, time, dose) # proportional

iv.D3   = comp1.iv.Data(nsub=24,ke=.1, v=4,cv.ke=.1, cv.v=.1,
cv.error=0.1,d1=1, d2=1, time, dose) # additive & proportional 






# Run nlme with additive error using iv.D1

M1 = nlme(conc ~ 

            comp1.iv(ke*exp(eta.ke), v*exp(eta.v), dose=5, time) ,


          random = pdDiag(list(eta.ke + eta.v ~ 1)),

          fixed = list(ke+v~ 1),

          start = c(.1, 4), verbose = T)



# Run nlme with proportional error using iv.D2

M2 = nlme(conc ~ 

            comp1.iv(ke*exp(eta.ke), v*exp(eta.v), dose=5, time) ,


          random = pdDiag(list(eta.ke + eta.v ~ 1)),

          fixed = list(ke+v~ 1),

          start = c(.1, 4), verbose = T, weights=varPower(1))


# Run nlme with additive & proportional error using iv.D3

M3 = nlme(conc ~ 

            comp1.iv(ke*exp(eta.ke), v*exp(eta.v), dose=5, time) ,


          random = pdDiag(list(eta.ke + eta.v ~ 1)),

          fixed = list(ke+v~ 1),

          start = c(.1, 4), verbose = T, weights=varConstPower(const=1,



Results from the splus output are as follows:



Farkad Ezzet, MSc, PhD

Office  973 665-1447

Mobile 201 738-3826

 <mailto:fezzet at aycerpc.com> fezzet at aycerpc.com

 <http://www.aycerpc.com/> www.aycerpc.com






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