[R-sig-ME] Effect size for lmer and glmer
Hamada Elsayed Ali
medo_botany at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 9 08:47:06 CEST 2014
Dear All,
I am trying to calculate the effect size from lmer and glmer models that looks like that:
q0100 <- lmer(q0 ~ Management + Width + NonCrop100 +
Management * NonCrop100 + (1 | Plot.No), Alpha)
Pres100<-glmer(Present ~ Management +
Management : status +
Management : NonCrop100 +
status +
NonCrop100 : status +
NonCrop100 +
Management : Dispersal +
Dispersal +
NonCrop100 : Dispersal +
family=binomial, data=Presence)
Can you help me to calculate the effect size of the fixed variables and the interactions from the above mentioned models. I do have many other models that I like to compare all of them according to the effect size of each of which on the diversity measures, abundance and p/a data.
Hamada Elsayed Ali
PhD Candidate in Biogeographical Modelling,
University of Bayreuth
Universitaetsstr. 30
95440 Bayreuth, Germany
Email: hamada.ali at uni-bayreuth.de
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