[R-sig-ME] lme4 problem solved by updating Rcpp

Hugo Quené H.Quene at uu.nl
Fri Feb 21 01:32:58 CET 2014

Dear list members,

Since a few days I've had difficulties in using lme4_1.0-6 (CRAN binary 
version) on a MacBook8,1.
My call to lmer() resulted in an error message:

 > (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy))
Error in initializePtr() :
   function 'dataptr' not provided by package 'Rcpp'

A repeated call of lmer() caused R to crash entirely.

As it turned out, this problem disappeared after I updated package Rcpp 
from version Rcpp_0.10.6 to Rcpp_0.11.0 (CRAN binaries). When lme4 was 
installed it did warn about an obsolete version of the Matrix package, 
but it did not complain about the Rcpp package. Hence the solution to 
update Rcpp might be useful to have in the list archive, for others 
experiencing similar problems.

With kind regards, Hugo Quené

Dr Hugo Quené | assoc prof | Dept Languages Literature and Communication
| Utrecht inst Linguistics OTS | Utrecht University | Trans 10 | 3512JK
Utrecht | The Netherlands | +31 30 253 6070 | www.uu.nl/hum/staff/HQuene
| uu.academia.edu/HugoQuene |

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